
Name of Committee Student Groups Committee
Date and time 18th May 2015, 18:00
Place Meeting Room 2
Clubs and Societies Officer Chris McGeehan
Performing Arts Officer Anna Kent - Muller
Team Southampton Sports Officer David Lawrence
Vice President Democracy and Creative Industries Megan Downing
In Attendance
(non-voting officers and staff)
1. Apologies and attendance
2. Approval of minutes from the last meeting (6th May)

The minutes of this meeting have already been ratified through email.

Requests to change constitutions/Zones/support packages
P 3. Changes to group constitutions
  • Southampton University Guitar Society: section 7.2.b has been amended.
  • RockSoc: have updated their constitution.
  • Cyber Security Society: have created new positions.
  • Islamic Society: have updated their constitution.
  • Theatre Group: have updated their constitution.
4. Zone changes
5. Support package changes
Main business
PF 6. Resource Allocation Procedure (Student groups funding policy)
Megan Downing

This paper is still being prepared, and will be published on Monday. We will have a thorough discussion at the meeting, and there will not be a final vote at the meeting.

7. Policies from AGM
P 8. Constitution Allowances

Chris McGeehan 

The committee are asked to consider the attached paper and discuss what is allowed in groups' constitutions and what changes if any should be made to the default/model groups constitution. These recommendations will be given to next year's committee. 

Key: P (Papers Provided), PF (Papers to Follow)