
Name of Committee Creative Industries Zone
Date and time 25th January 2016, 13:00
Place The Board Room
Present Members
Vice President Democracy and Creative Industries Kerry Sclater
Union President Ben Franklin
Charlotte Cloud
Creative Industries Zone Student Group Rep Samantha Standley
Wessex Scene Editor Bridie Pearson-Jones
Surge Radio Station Manager Dan Linstead
The Edge Editor Natalie Fordham
Sarah Lock
Absent with Apologies Performing Arts Student Groups Rep Rebecca Griffin
Union Films Cinema Manager Christina Vinothan
Catriona Philip
William Garside
Absent without Apologies SUSUtv Station Manager Christopher Evans

Actions and Decisions

Action Examples of where bookings haven't been noted to be emailed to Kerry Christopher Evans, Samantha Standley, Bridie Pearson-Jones, Dan Linstead, Rebecca Griffin, Natalie Fordham, Christina Vinothan, Catriona Philip, William Garside
Action Encourage committee to go to the student media review - make it mandatory Christopher Evans, Samantha Standley, Bridie Pearson-Jones, Dan Linstead, Rebecca Griffin, Natalie Fordham, Christina Vinothan
Action Email Charlotte with what the requirements of the societies are for the Showcase Samantha Standley
1. Kerry advise committee of those who cannot attend
  1. 1 Apologies from Rebecca Griffin, Christina Vinothan and William Garside
Officer Updates
2. CI Societies Rep
  1. Pokémon Society are growing well, as are quiz soc with their inter-society quiz nights.


  • 2.2 SS has advertised for the Showcase on the CI Presidents Facebook page and has already had replies from people who haven’t previously interacted.


  • 2.3Chris from Rock Soc reported a problem with room bookings. Their booking was confirmed in November however as they arrived at The Bridge, they were locking the doors. The staff member who was locking up had no knowledge of the booking. This seems to be a recurring problem across the board as BPJ reported having similar issues with Union Question Time. KS asked for any examples to be emailed to her so she can investigate this matter further. SS will also ask other groups if this is something that has been problematic for them too.
Action Examples of where bookings haven't been noted to be emailed to Kerry (Christopher Evans, Samantha Standley, Bridie Pearson-Jones, Dan Linstead, Rebecca Griffin, Natalie Fordham, Christina Vinothan, Catriona Philip, William Garside)
3. PA rep

3.1 In RG absence, KS informed all that we are starting to look at a review of PA which will be huge. There are plenty of shows coming up, plus a new Arts Centre being built in the centre of Southampton.

4. Student Groups Rep
  1.  The preparations for LGBT are underway; the website is being designed which will encourage the groups to work together.
  2.  The magazines are doing well, with birthday season approaching for Wessex Scene and Surge.
  3. SUSUtv are auditioning people for live shows.
  4. There is a recruitment boost happening in Wessex Scene, where a welcome meeting will take place on 26th
Student Media Review
5. Kerry to go through
  1.  The Student Media review is taking place on 8th February as KS urged everyone to get as many people there as possible. Make it mandatory for people to go. The main groupings are Quality, SUSU Working Relationship, Skills and Ideas.
Action Encourage committee to go to the student media review - make it mandatory (Christopher Evans, Samantha Standley, Bridie Pearson-Jones, Dan Linstead, Rebecca Griffin, Natalie Fordham, Christina Vinothan)
6. Showcase
  1.  eSports are happy to have a stall, as well as Live Soc but SS would like to know about timings so they can give accurate information and can ensure we have enough space for everyone.
  2. KS put forward the idea of pushing the Showcase back to June and present it as more of a festival, which would hopefully attract more people. She plans to create a working group for this.
7. Varsity
  1.  CC has had an update from the Dance Rep who said the University of Portsmouth cannot afford to go to the dance competitions and therefore will be around for Varsity. The Dance Rep will arrange a competition between the two Universities.
  2.  KS asked how much space we had – CC has a meeting coming up so can find out and report back. In the meantime, SS is to email CC with a minimum requirement of what people are asking for.
Action Email Charlotte with what the requirements of the societies are for the Showcase (Samantha Standley)
8. Social
  1.  In the last meeting, it was discussed about where we could possibly have the next Creative Industries Social. The new Trampolining place in Southampton was discussed as an option, however KS would rather put on an event which would be more accessible to everyone. The suggestion of a Murder Mystery was well received. 
9. Others

9.1 There were no other events to discuss in this meeting.

Vision 20/20
10. Employability

10.1 BF explained the vision 20/20 is a 5 year strategy. We are focusing on longer term objectives and not just short term ones. 

10.2 Creative Industries are the most proactive zone when it comes to engagement and organising events of employability for our students. KS updated the committee on Careers Season; there is one coming up in February. KS suggested taking the season in a digital direction and asked for people's thoughts on this. NF liked it and added that her designer would enjoy making some how to videos for them.

10.3 Live Soc would like to publish a 'how to' put on a gig, as this is the question they are asked the most. They would also like to work with the Edge to print an article on the same subject matter.

10.4 We currently have an Excel Intern working on pulling all the careers work together which will then be made into an App. 

11. Arts (relationships with community, SIPAA)

11.1 We hope to make PA a higher priority with the Uni. Hopefully the new building in the centre of Southampton will help with this shift. 

11.2 We are making slow progress with SIPPA, which aims to become a National organisation. We are in a strong position for this to happen but just need to promote it a bit more.

12. Reach

12.1 Southampton Music Academy offer BTEC group performances. SS spoke with the Principal who offered our students use of their music rooms to rehearse. 

12.2 SS is happy to maintain a good working relationship with them for the use of the space. She also mentioned that Colleges are very keen to help out Universities and we should be building strong partnerships with them. 

12.3 KS thanked SS for finding these spaces and asked for suggestions of any other ways we can support or create these links. 


13. Items from committee

13.1 Elections are coming up. KS urged everyone to encourage people to run for their position. 

Key: P (Papers Provided), PF (Papers to Follow)