
Name of Committee Student Communities Zone
Date and time 26th April 2018, 15:00
Place The Board Room
Present Members
Student Communities Zone Open Place Nicolas Kinich Hernandez Sanchez
Vice President Student Communities Arun Aggarwal
Student Communities Zone Open Place Kim Meng Ronson Tan
Student Communities Zone Student Group Representative Divyansh Dixit
Student Communities Zone Open Place Renee Johnson
Postgraduate (Taught) Students Officer Inga Franzen
Absent with Apologies Postgraduate (Research) Students Officer Giles Howard
Vice President Sport Development Stephen Gore
Union President Flora Noble
Scott Mccarthy
Winchester Campus President Venezia Georgieva
NOC Site Officer Lauren Clark
Absent without Apologies Equality and Diversity Officer Lii Mohamed
Medical Society President Vikash Dodhia
International Officer Haris Constantinou

Actions and Decisions

Action Arun Aggarwal to discuss possibility of moving all PG Committee Roles to the Autumn Elections. Arun Aggarwal
1. Apologies

Apologies recieved from Giles Howard, Flora Noble, Lauren Coffin, Stephen Gore, Venezia Georgieva. 

2. FTO Officer Update

AA welcomed Emily Harrison (Vice Present Student Communities Elect). 

AA updated that since the last Zone meeting that he had taken responsibility of aspects of the External Engagement Role which included working with Halls and the Unions charitable work through groups such as RAG. 

AA updated that in the last quarter he had worked closely with Clubs and Societies on events and campaigns such as Culture Festival (AA thanked the zone for their support during the two week campaign), Holi Festival, Persian Fire Jump Festival and Lunar New Year. AA advised that our Clubs and Societies have all worked hard this year, especially within the last quarter to deliver fun and engaging activities.

AA updated the Zone on the continuing support for students in Halls, advising that the Students' Union has developed a core set of activities to increase engagement with those living in Halls of Residence. 

AA advised that he has been working closely with the Students' Union and the University to look at how harassment of students can be reported and logged. AA sign posted the zone to the Report Harassment page of the Students' Union where students can report any form of harassment they have witnessed. 

3. Part Time Officer Updates

IF reported on the events and activities the PG committee have been involved in. Since the last meeting, the PG committee have successfully held a PG Christmas Ball which saw over 200 students participate. During January-February, the committee also held several You are More Than events across various sites at the University. IF added that the committee are now in the midst of planning PG Health Week and the PG Summer Ball. 

IF additionally added that along with the Students' Union, she is exploring the idea of an International Buddy Scheme. 

AA added that GH wanted the zone to consider the possibility of moving all PG Committee roles to the Autumn Elections. 

NS advised that the Mexican Society are currently planning the Mexican Symposium, which will take place over the summer. More information to follow. 

Action Arun Aggarwal to discuss possibility of moving all PG Committee Roles to the Autumn Elections. (Arun Aggarwal)
4. AOB

AH advised that the Summer Elections will shortly be open. 

AH also advised the committee to remind their own committees that the Zone Conference will be taking place on Wednesday the 9th May (location TBC)

Key: P (Papers Provided), PF (Papers to Follow)