
Name of Committee Creative Industries Zone
Date and time 27th October 2014, 13:00
Place The Board Room
Present Members
Vice President Democracy and Creative Industries Megan Downing
Union Films Cinema Manager Sophie Isherwood
Wessex Scene Editor Tahlie Cooper
Surge Radio Station Manager Hannah Mylrea Hemmings
SUSUtv Station Manager Joanna Sheldon
PA Officer Anna Kent - Muller
Charlotte Cloud
Union Councillor Catriona Philip
Absent with Apologies Union President David Mendoza-Wolfson
Student Groups Representative Jamie Hanna
Absent without Apologies The Edge Editor Rebecca James
1. Apologies
  1. MD read apologies from the list.
2. Minutes of previous meeting
  1. Minutes of previous meetings approved.
Disciplinary procedure - penalty guidance
3. Please refer to paper sent via email

      1. The committee read through the paper, provided by Megan.

Updates from members
4. Go through each member's plans

1. The group summarised their plans for the year, as per hand-out attached in email.

Present Plans - Papers included in email
5. VP D&CI Plans - paper included in email

1. Megan’s plan has been approved by council and asked everyone to have a read through it.

2. Applying to host SPA conference next year. 

CI Careers Season Update
6. Megan will update group

1. The dates are 1st-12th December and launch party Friday 28th November.

2. MD wants to get the whole of Southampton involved and not just SUSU.

3. If anyone knows of any famous/ successful alumni then please inform Charlotte Cloud.

4. The Design team in SUSU are working on a Team CI logo.

CI Showcase
7. Set the date

1. Jamie Hanna not at the meeting to discuss this.



8. Brainstorm Ideas

1. Week commencing 26th January appears to be the best week.

9. Revisit ideas from CI Induction

1. Megan will be putting together a pack for those who couldn't attend.

Funding rounds and budgets
10. Megan to update

1. We need somthing in place where groups can come and get advice on filling out a good application.

2. They need to be aware that SUSU are not obliged to fund anything.

3. CM to write a new how to and write a draft example funding application.

Any other Business
11. Open to the group

1. Wireless want to move from education to CI zone.

2. AKM wants a system for over-bookings of the Cube. 

Next meeting(s)
12. Please bring diaries to plan in the next years' worth of meetings

1. Next meeting will be 21st November.

Key: P (Papers Provided), PF (Papers to Follow)