
Sustainability Zone (20th February 2015)


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Name of Committee Sustainability Zone
Date and time 20th February 2015, 10:30
Place The Board Room
Present Members
David Wikramaratna
Ethical and Environmental Officer Lydia Butler
Vice President Welfare Beckie Thomas
Equality and Diversity Officer Sam Bailey
Student Group Representative Natalie Rowell
Wild Bottomley
Vice President Engagement Ellie Cawthera
Absent with Apologies Union President David Mendoza-Wolfson
Teresa Kennard
Non-members Christopher Small
Mike Nash
Nickola Moore
Philip Doherty
Scott Mccarthy
Tony Addison

Actions and Decisions

Action BT to follow up with the University at a later date about the status of actions for gender neutral toilets and gender neutral titles in student records system. Beckie Thomas
Action BT, LB, SB and TS to follow up and discuss best methods to record student engagement and participation Lydia Butler, Beckie Thomas, Sam Bailey, Tori Simkin
Action WB to share method of BEES NUS reporting of student engagement with TS Wild Bottomley
Action BT to find out what stage Student Groups are at with reviewing funding and how travel fits into this and feedback to the Zone Committee Beckie Thomas
Action LB to follow up on the new potential University sustainable travel policy and feedback to the Zone Committee. Lydia Butler
Action TS to look at options of sourcing sustainable clothing (including Wessex Clothing) and to find out what other SU’s are doing in regards to this. Tori Simkin
Action TS to check the existing policy of this and feedback to the zone committee. Tori Simkin
Action LB to contact Sue Brindley to get an update on the progress of reducing food waste and to communicate this to the student body (e.g. blog and/or news article Lydia Butler
Action BT to provide LB with contact details of Sue Brindley. Beckie Thomas
Action LB to invite PD and MN to the next and all future E&E committee meetings. Lydia Butler
Action LB to bring updated waste action plan to next meeting Lydia Butler
Action LB to email PD ideas for special offers in the shop for Fairtrade Fortnight and include any further information need about supply chains. Lydia Butler
Action CS to run plan for volunteering survey by BT and/or EC before Make A Difference Day Christopher Small
Action BT to input changes of the core team in the employability PID Beckie Thomas
Action BT to feedback on status of recruitment agency after the next trustee meeting Beckie Thomas
Action BT to include support staff in the PID and to look into potential for qualifications Beckie Thomas
Action TS and BT to review the zone strategy and bring findings to the next zone committee to identify priorities. Beckie Thomas, Tori Simkin
1. Apologies & attendance


Apologies and attendance was noted as above. BT gave an introduction to the voting members of attending Union staff.

2. Minutes from previous meeting

The minutes for the previous Sustainability Zone Committee meeting were approved. The previous meeting was declared not quorate by the Chair, and therefore the minutes from Dec were reviewed in this meeting.  A review is given below. Some action points have been carried over from the previous meeting, see list of Actions.

In the review of actions from the previous meeting, the following points were noted:

2.1 BT and SB update on meeting with the University’s Head of Equality & Diversity, including regarding discussion on plans for gender neutral toilets and gender neutral titles in student records system. (BT & SB)

BT and SB have been in discussions with the University about this and the University have said that it is possible to adjust signage on some toilet facilities, but are waiting for Estates and Facilities to take this further. BT has been in contact with the University about gender neutral titles and the diversity committee are looking into it.

ACTION: BT to follow up with the University at a later date about the status of actions for gender neutral toilets and gender neutral titles in student records system.

2.2 PD to ask TA regarding update on University discussions regarding gender neutral toilet planning. (PD)

Status as above. BT is taking the lead on communications with the University.

No further action required.

2.3 BT and LB to meet and figure out student participant numbers for 2013-14 E&E events (including E&E Week) – for use in Sustainability Zone reporting. (BT & LB)

This is ongoing. BT and LB had a discussion on how student participation numbers could be recorded. TS has talked with both LB and SB individually to discuss how student participation nd engagement can be measured for events, campaigns and social media interaction. LB mentioned it is difficult to estate footfall on concourse. BT has said that BT and NW tried to calculate the footfall on the concourse for BEES NUS reporting so have a rough estimate. PD said that estates have no figure for the concourse footfall but the calculated rough estimate/best guess probably will not be far off.

ACTION: BT, LB, SB and TS to follow up and discuss best methods to record student engagement and participation

ACTION: WB to share method of BEES NUS reporting of  student engagement with TS

2.4 Update on discussion of option of a central SUSU travel policy, for student groups funding, in the New Year (BT)

BT noted that this was related to Sabbs potentially getting railcards to make travel cheaper and student groups considering travel options in more depth. BT updated that Student Groups Committee are already looking at the funding guidelines and will be looking into travel as part of this. BT happy for this to be left in the meantime as student groups are looking to it.

BT asked if the zone committee thoughts on if Union should have a sustainable travel policy. LB mentioned that the University are looking into this and have put together an overview of sustainable staff travel at the University. LB suggested we could look at that and adapt for a Union travel policy. PD mentioned that there is a University travel policy but at the moment the University is focusing on external long distance travel of academics. LB noted that there is a Travel document that has been written by a department for all staff and the University are looking to take this forward for all departments.  SM indicated that there needs to be clarification of what the policy will entail. BT suggested as it is being created by the sustainability zone that is should be mainly about ‘green’ travel options. LB and TS highlighted that is important to consider all the options as economics does fall into sustainability and cost-effectiveness and sustainability. SB asked if there is a Union staff travel policy BT does not think so and SM said there is no specific policy but staff are encouraged to go for the most cost-effective option. BT mentioned there is also the cycle to work scheme.

ACTION: BT to find out what stage Student Groups are at with reviewing funding and how travel fits into this and feedback to the Zone Committee

ACTION: LB to follow up on the new potential University sustainable travel policy and feedback to the Zone Committee.

2.5  Decide changes or additional questions to put forward for the annual Student/Staff Sustainability survey

BT noted that the survey has already been released.LB and BT contributed to the content of the survey. The survey is still open and attendees are encouraged to complete this as it will provide valuable feedback.

No further action required.

2.6 Update on potential for co-ordinated SUSU sourcing and buying for hoodies (PD)

This is in reference for sourcing of hoodies for clubs/societies. SB mentioned that this is related to the E&E policy. TS added it is looking at not-for-sale hoodies. BT noted that this could be difficult as sports have just revamped their range and buy from a separate supplier and societies source their own. LB suggested an option could be setting up a relationship with a supplier that all groups need to go through but need to maintain cost-effectiveness. BT mentioned that all used to go through Wessex Clothing. PD noted that is still open and trading by relocated and clarified that we do not have a specific agreement with them at present. PD noted that there have been talks about a potential student enterprise set up along these lines that would work well with the Shop on Top. BT and EC mentioned there is a student social enterprise that does some work with hoodies (HoodAid), but are not sure exactly what or how well established they are. PD noted that most clothes in the shop are Fair Trade and these can get printed on. SM asked about the number of hoodies, BT is unsure. EC questions on the level of restriction that students group would have if this was set up. BT noted that it would vary according the direction of the policy. LB noted that suggesting a supplier as an option for student groups might be the best option. BT suggested that it could be that student committees must use a set supplier. SB noted that this in E&E policy already and there needs to be a procedure for enforcing the policy. WB added that Epona could be a potential supplier as this is where hoodies are sourced for Blackout.

ACTION: TS to look at options of sourcing sustainable clothing (including Wessex Clothing) and to find out what other SU’s are doing in regards to this.

ACTION: TS to check the existing policy of this and feedback to the zone committee.

2.7 Take ideas on SUSU's E&E policy priority areas to discuss with Chief Exec (BT)

SM is in attendance at this committee meeting and BT has updated SM on priority areas.

No further action required.

2.8 Discuss topic of food waste with Sue Brindley, regarding ‘communicating SUSU’s processes on Food Waste’ (PD)

This action has come about due to E&E deciding to focus on waste this year and that students want to know what is happening to their food waste. MN noted that this is a work in progress. Caroline Couch is in talks with Sue Brindley to find ways of streaming and reducing waste alongside Wars. This is ongoing in a separate boardroom committee.

ACTION: LB to contact Sue Brindley to get an update on the progress of reducing food waste and to communicate this to the student body (e.g. blog and/or news article

ACTION: BT to provide LB with contact details of Sue Brindley.

2.9 Share E&E Committee meeting dates with PD and MN to attend  (LB)

LB noted this action is still to be completed.

ACTION: LB to invite PD and MN to the next and all future E&E committee meetings.

2.10 Share Employability PID at the next meeting (BT)

BT noted this is complete and the Employability PID is in the Agenda for discussion.

No further action required.

2.11 Discuss with SB (E&D) and LB (E&E) regarding outlining committees’ events planned

TS noted that this is complete and will be review at the start of every academic year.

No further action required.

2.12 Ahead of Sustainability Zone Committee meetings, circulate the most recent zone budget report in committee papers (TK/ zone coordinator)

This was completed and will be circulated with all papers for committee meetings in the future.

No further action required.

Action BT to follow up with the University at a later date about the status of actions for gender neutral toilets and gender neutral titles in student records system. (Beckie Thomas)
Action BT, LB, SB and TS to follow up and discuss best methods to record student engagement and participation (Lydia Butler, Beckie Thomas, Sam Bailey, Tori Simkin)
Action WB to share method of BEES NUS reporting of student engagement with TS (Wild Bottomley)
Action BT to find out what stage Student Groups are at with reviewing funding and how travel fits into this and feedback to the Zone Committee (Beckie Thomas)
Action LB to follow up on the new potential University sustainable travel policy and feedback to the Zone Committee. (Lydia Butler)
Action TS to look at options of sourcing sustainable clothing (including Wessex Clothing) and to find out what other SU’s are doing in regards to this. (Tori Simkin)
Action TS to check the existing policy of this and feedback to the zone committee. (Tori Simkin)
Action LB to contact Sue Brindley to get an update on the progress of reducing food waste and to communicate this to the student body (e.g. blog and/or news article (Lydia Butler)
Action BT to provide LB with contact details of Sue Brindley. (Beckie Thomas)
Action LB to invite PD and MN to the next and all future E&E committee meetings. (Lydia Butler)
3. E&E officer report & project update


LB provided a brief update starting with the draft waste action plan. LB clarified that the toolbox talks will be for Union staff and student groups only and would be not mandatory. MN noted it may be beneficial to include this as part of the staff when they have their huddles before work. Southampton City Council has offered to help where possible and Caroline Couch has also offered to give input. LB in talks with Caroline Couch about signage to bins, footprints to bins are not likely to happen. LB is meeting with Anjit to discuss potential to give talks/workshops to International students.


TS noted it has been identified by some staff and students that printing is an issue within the SU, particularly in regards to societies and clubs. This is not an urgent issue but something to be considered in the future. BT mentioned that there is a policy that all committees should be paperless and this could be integrated within. End of year recycling campaign is moving ahead and going well. E&E have been distributing leaflets about recycling at all E&E events.


LB is encouraging committee members to write articles on waste for the Wessex Scene. WSA are getting involved with Waste Wars this year. LB discussed the new HEAT project happening in collaboration with the Environment Centre. The project is shaping up to be successful with 12 student houses have signed up and 4 volunteer C.V.s have been received. The University are keen to promote the project.


LB mentioned that the Sustainability Action Awards nomination are open and encouraged members of the sustainability zone to nominate themselves or other staff or students. TS noted that an application is being completed for the sustainability zone in the student-staff partnerships category.


LB discussed the Fossil Free campaign being pursued by Green Action student society and is in communication with the society to reduce friction with the University. WB noted that this is a national campaign supported by People and Planet.


E&E committee are looking to run a water audit and the Green Label video is still being made.


LB informed the committee of the plans for Fairtrade Fortnight. Events are due to be on the concourse on the 24th Feb and 4th March. LB said that the focus would be on products in the shop that are Fairtrade. PD asked if there could be a focus on products used in catering as well to raise awareness of this. LB and TS asked about information regarding suppliers used and where products come from. PD noted that this is in the most recent University Fairtrade report but if more detail is needed this may be possible.


E&E week is likely to just be one day after Easter due to the large amount of other projects happening.


ACTION: LB to bring updated  waste action plan to next meeting

ACTION: LB to email PD ideas for special offers in the shop for Fairtrade Fortnight and include any further information need about supply chains.

Action LB to bring updated waste action plan to next meeting (Lydia Butler)
Action LB to email PD ideas for special offers in the shop for Fairtrade Fortnight and include any further information need about supply chains. (Lydia Butler)
4. E&D officer report & project update

SB noted that the update was slightly out of date and gave a more recent overview of E&D activities. SB discussed LGBT History and mentioned that promotion through SUSU has been really beneficial and will promote using this in the future. The free showing of pride saw 140 attendees. Paint the Rainbow is hanging on that glass wall by the main stairs. LGBT special edition of Wessex Scene was well received and 500 have been distributed. This engaged a wide variety of people and lots of different groups. There was a screening of An Anatomy of a Love Scene for the 1st time in the UK.


Interstellar subtitled screening had a good turnout with 153 attendees. Most attendees were not pass holders and the screening made profile. SB is keen to make subtitled screenings more regular as still makes a profit but next time it would be beneficial to get attendees to fill a survey to identify reasons for attending. SB noted that some international students mentioned that they went to the screening as they found it helpful for their English and to understand the film better. BT noted it would be worth promoting to international groups in the future.


International Women’s Week is being planned in collaboration with FemSoc and International Women in Business. There will be posters of Inspiring Women from different backgrounds and disciplines with a twitter competition.


EIA’s policy has been passed. BT will discuss in the VP Welfare Update. SB informed that the anti-sexual harassment campaign is in the planning stages and there will be collaboration with Solent SU on the projects.

5. VP Welfare update

BT provided an update on the VP Welfare goals for the sustainability zone.


BT is working with SB on the equality Sabb goals. The elections leadership coaching programme has been created and will be implemented next year to encourage individuals from diverse groups to run in elections. The anti-sexual harassment and lad culture campaign has been developing with Solent SU and it has the potential to become big in the city, a meeting with key individuals will happen soon to take this forward. Inclusivity training has been created and used already for AU clubs and Creative Industries. The aim is to integrate this into all inductions in the next academic year. Sustainability training is still being created and needs to be finalised, LB, SB and TS will help with this. Equality Impact Assessments was not in the Sabb goals but the policy has now been passed so BT will be looking into which staff member will take the lead on this and how to take it forward.


BT discussed employability Sabb goals. The research into employability was completed over summer and a PID has been created. This will be discussed later. For the growth of Your Skills BT is taking the lead on this and making sure that the SU is pushing this and promoting it to members. There has been a good sign up but often students do not attend, this is a problem that needs to be tackled. Sessions are now open to all students’ not just SUSU volunteers.


CS will be gathering information at the Make a Difference Day and other events during Student Volunteering Week, and element of this will involve awareness of Your Skills.


ACTION: CS to run plan for volunteering survey by BT and/or EC before Make A Difference Day

Action CS to run plan for volunteering survey by BT and/or EC before Make A Difference Day (Christopher Small)
6. BEES update

WB provided an update on the BEES projects. BEES have taken part in lots of student volunteer sign up activities and are looking for more volunteers to sign up. There have been three rounds of training in January and February with 10 audits completed so far. There has been legacy planning for the project, including meeting with a business in Winchester to see if there is a possibility of a paid option for BEES.

7. Discussion

7.1 Employability PID


BT outlined the PID noting that it is still a working document but key objectives have been identified. The core project team has changed. Employability is high on the University’s agenda, with a focus on placement opportunities for students. Careers Destinations (part of University Student Services) are looking to rebrand and a new head of careers. OPUS project is a web database of volunteering opportunities for students and will be released later in the year; SUSU has been involved with this. BT highlighted all of the existing opportunities that SUSU already offers. All future employability projects will be carried out with Careers Destinations in mind to ensure no duplication. BT outlined the outputs of the PID. A map of the students’ journey and where there is contact with employability has been completed in conjunction with the University. Marcomms will be linked with the Careers Destinations rebrand. The enterprise PID created by EC will be linked to the Employability PID. LinkedIn labs will be one of the first employability projects to be carried out and the first lab is due to occur before the end of this academic year. The more long-term projects are from point 11 onwards.


BT clarified that Careers Destinations are already involved with Your Skills sessions. LB suggested considering volunteering opportunities provided by student groups e.g. Southampton Hub and BT will bear this in mind.


CS noted that as part of research into SUSU volunteering it would be beneficial to talk to voting members from all zone committees to identify what support and training they have had in their roles. CS asked if committee members agreed with this. No members objected and BT verified that this can happen if voting members do not object.


BT: will bear in mind for everything and definitely link for careers seasons. Chris: looking at internal structures with volunteers in committee paid sabs to get feedback from groups and work has work and what hasn’t work in a holistic group.


MN questioned if the skills gained by the 300 paid support staff who work for SUSU gets picked up and fed back. BT will include this into the PID. MN and BT discussed the potential for support staff to gain a qualification as a result of their skill acquisition.


BT said ok to ask us and if everyone is ok will go ahead with it. Not today and more formal structure. Mike: anyone looked as possibility of 300 students who work for SUSU from time to time. Does the work they do and skills they pick up get picked up. Should include support staff in the PID. potential to see if can get qualification for their contributions e.g. NVQ. BT to take away and consider how to be integrated.


ACTION: BT to input changes of the core team in the employability PID

ACTION: BT to feedback on status of recruitment agency after the next trustee meeting.

ACTION:  BT to include support staff in the PID and to look into potential for qualifications.



7.2 Zone Strategy


Not all committee members have had the chance to look over the zone strategy. BT suggested that BT and TS spend some time looking over the strategy and review. BT briefly gave an overview of the objectives and noted that the zone is on track to achieving these. CS and BT discussed measurement of engagement and impact and how this can be completed constructively. TS and LB noted that Sustainability Action initiatives (e.g. Blackout and Swap Shop) have alternative figures and measurements. Zone committee members are invited to email TS or BT if they have any suggestions for the future direction of the zone and priorities that should be taken.


ACTION: TS and BT to review the zone strategy and bring findings to the next zone committee to identify priorities.

Action BT to input changes of the core team in the employability PID (Beckie Thomas)
Action BT to feedback on status of recruitment agency after the next trustee meeting (Beckie Thomas)
Action BT to include support staff in the PID and to look into potential for qualifications (Beckie Thomas)
Action TS and BT to review the zone strategy and bring findings to the next zone committee to identify priorities. (Beckie Thomas, Tori Simkin)
8. AOB

8.1 TS noted that the Sustainability Festival organised by Southampton Hub takes place on Saturday 7th March. The zone will be hosting a stand highlighting all of the sustainability projects occurring within SUSU.

9. Date of next meeting is Monday 9th March 13:00-15:00 The Boardroom

The next Sustainability Zone Committee will be held on 9th March 2015.

Key: P (Papers Provided), PF (Papers to Follow)