How To Directory

Managing your equipment

SUSU Storage and Key Lists

If your equipment is stored in the Union or certain places in Sport and Wellbeing you may need a key to access your equipment. Update your key list on your Student Groups Hub page with the members who are allowed to access it. Unless you have made special arrangements you will be required to hand your student ID card in until you return the key.

Make sure your equipment is safe and appropriate

Equipment should be visually inspected by a knowledgeable person every time before someone uses it (this should be mentioned in your groups risk assessment). This includes servicing and maintaining your equipment if required, email if you need help with this for larger items.

Keep records

Keep records of what equipment your group has and if/when it has been serviced/maintained (this should be mentioned in your groups risk assessment). These need to be handed over to the new committee each year.

A template inventory form is available to download here

Make sure any large expensive items of equipment are covered by SUSU insurance

Equipment under is covered by the Union’s insurance, please note that there is an excess of £150. More expensive equipment such as boats are covered on a separate schedule please contact for more details. If your equipment is not covered by the Union’s insurance or due to the excess amount does not benefit by it, you either need to take out your own insurance for it or make or have a contingency plan to replace it.


Make sure the equipment is only set up used by appropriate people

Make sure only knowledgeable/experienced/trained people set up any equipment that impose a Health and Safety risk. Make sure only people with appropriate knowledge/experience/under appropriate supervision use the equipment (this should be mentioned in your groups risk assessment).