
You can petition SUSU:

Before you chose what you’d like to petition about, get in touch with the Representation Team (via to find out how your petition will work. Your petition will be open for seven days from the date it goes online.

Open Petitions

There are currently no open petitions.

Closed Petitions

Transition all catering outlets to plant-basedView Petition
Lobby the University to have a break between semester 1 exams and the start of semester 2View Petition
Lobby the university to divest from fossil fuelsView Petition
Lower/Remove the charge on the Sports PassView Petition
SUSU must support the NUS walkout on the 2nd of MarchView Petition
The University must not require in-person examinations during a COVID surgeView Petition
This is a petition for SUSU to hold a Student Union Senate meeting on whether SUSU should lobby for an overhaul of the current UoS phase 2 extension scheme and campaign for funded 6-month extensions for all PhD students. View Petition
Hold a referendum for SUSU to lobby the University to reduce international students’ tuition fees.View Petition
Implement a No Detriment Policy or Safety Net for the 2020/21 Academic Year at the University of SouthamptonView Petition
Refund accommodation fees for all studentsView Petition
A request of providing a prayer/mediation space in Avenue campus. View Petition
Get the University to commit to a Green New DealView Petition
Petition from Martial Arts Room Users to Sports and Wellbeing Management Concerning Urgent Issues with the Martial Arts RoomView Petition
Cut Vice-Chancellor Pay Not Staff JobsView Petition
Should the University of Southampton Students' Union be dissolved?View Petition
Hold a referendum on the SUSU RebrandView Petition