
Name of Committee Student Life Zone
Date and time 27th January 2016, 11:30
Place Students' Union (SUSU)
Present Members
Vice President Engagement Hannah Talbot
Wellbeing Officer Mark Davidge
Housing Officer Louise Bellamy
Vice President Welfare Sam Bailey
Alison Irwin
Nightline Officer Luke Hashman
George Middleton-Baker
Absent with Apologies Union President Ben Franklin
Absent without Apologies Union Council Representative (Health Sciences Faculty Officer) Daniel Browning

Actions and Decisions

Decision The committee agreed to keep the policy with amendments.
Action Sam to clarify the timeline for the policy review, including the deadline for responses. Sam Bailey
Action Sam, Louise and George to meet and draft amended policy. Louise Bellamy, Sam Bailey, George Middleton-Baker
Action Sam to email the draft policy to the committee for their feedback Sam Bailey
Action Sam to share statistics on the use of the Safety Bus with the committee. Sam Bailey
1. Attendance
2. Apologies
3. Officer updates

Wellbeing Officer:

  • Has booked space on the Concourse for the elephant as part of the Time To Talk campaign.
  • Is considering creating a simple cooking guide for incoming freshers, potentially in the style of Buzzfeed and using videos.


Housing Officer:

  • Is currently planning the upcoming Housing Week.
  • Is undertaking sector research into student support regarding housing, particularly at the University of Leeds.


Nightline Officer:

  • 119 calls received since exams started in early January, taking the total for the year so far to 500.
  • Academic Stress has now overtaken Loneliness as the most popular call topic, followed by Stress and Anxiety.
  • 188 of the 500 calls received this year have been genuine calls for emotional support. Around 120 have been hang-ups and the number of manipulative or non-genuine calls has been very small.
  • There are no statistics available for last year because all call information was handwritten. Anecdotally, they estimate that they have already overtaken the total number of calls for last year and that they have received more genuine calls in proportion to non-genuine calls and hang-ups.
  • During the exam period, the phones had to be closed twice because there was no one available to man them, but volunteers were still manning the Instant Messaging from home at these times.
  • Concerned that volunteers are failing to progress because the high number of volunteers means that some have only had the opportunity to take on one shift since they started.
  • Will be asking all current volunteers if they want to stay and are actually committed.
  • Will be changing training for new volunteers, including adding an application form to be completed before the training and inviting the Nightline Association to attend training sessions and give their feedback.
  • Concerned about what will happen next year, as the small group of core volunteers taking on the majority of the shifts will have graduated.


VP Welfare:

  • A new section of the SUSU website focused on housing will be going live soon.
  • Currently finalising plans for Housing Week. The event schedule can be viewed online.
  • Made a video regarding housing with the VP Democracy & Creative Industries.
  • Asked the committee if there were any issues arising which they want him to take to the next Safer Students Forum or his upcoming meeting with the Police Crime Commissioner.
4. You Are More Than... debrief

Key successes of the project included:

  • Engagement with Postgraduate Research students at the Researchers’ Café, The Science Room and Postgrad Power Tea events.
  • Attendance of 1555 at the Petting Zoo.


Key points for improvement included:

  • Mixed take-up of free yoga and Zumba classes at SGH and WSA.
  • Mixed take-up of Postgrad Power Tea at different sites.
  • Communication with Postgraduate students and students at sites, such as using targeted emails rather than relying on Facebook and starting advertising earlier.


The committee reported that they had heard positive feedback regarding the Petting Zoo and noted that there were lots of photos of the event on social media.  It was noted that although there was a vocal minority of students posting negative feedback about the Petting Zoo on Facebook, the event has become such a major focus that there would be a negative impact on student engagement if it was cancelled.


Suggestions for future events and activities included:

  • Increase Union presence at sites throughout the year, not just during the exam period.
  • There have been craft fairs, a barbecue and employability events at NOC in the past.
  • Treasure hunt around the NOC.
  • Hookers, Knitters and Stitchers event at Highfield campus.
  • There is a PhD knitting group at the NOC who hold sewing/craft cafés.
  • Mindfulness colouring books.
  • Outdoor events when the weather is good, which will be more visible to students.
  • Film screenings in the Cube.
  • Outdoor film screening indoors using fake grass.
5. Housing week

Sam outlined to the committee what activities would be taking place on each day of Housing Week.

Sam pointed out that some of the materials could be re-used next year for freshers who don’t get a place in halls and Postgraduate students, such as the checklist of what to look for when viewing a house.

Louise suggested that another flyer be produced for May/June with a checklist of things to do as soon as you move in to a new house, such as update the inventory.

Sam informed the committee that SUSU Lettings are well subscribed and are achieving their targets.

6. National Student Money Week

George outlined to the committee what activities would be taking place on each day of National Student Money Week and explained that the majority of the events will be co-ordinated by the Advice Centre in collaboration with Student Services.

This year, the national theme for National Student Money Week is mental health and how money worries can be a contributing factor.

7. Policies for review

External Letting Agencies on Campus and Halls Sites (1213P10)

The committee noted that the title of the policy refers to a specific issues, whereas the content goes on to outline the union’s general stance on student housing.

Sam suggested that the policy be kept but with some amendments and that it should set out the union’s broad position on student housing.  The deadline for responses is 18th March in order for them to go to the next Democracy Zone committee meeting.

Decision The committee agreed to keep the policy with amendments.
Action Sam to clarify the timeline for the policy review, including the deadline for responses. (Sam Bailey)
Action Sam, Louise and George to meet and draft amended policy. (Louise Bellamy, Sam Bailey, George Middleton-Baker)
Action Sam to email the draft policy to the committee for their feedback (Sam Bailey)
8. Any other business

Sam is currently researching the statistics on the use of the Safety Bus.

Action Sam to share statistics on the use of the Safety Bus with the committee. (Sam Bailey)

Key: P (Papers Provided), PF (Papers to Follow)