
Name of Committee Education Zone
Date and time 9th March 2016, 14:00
Present Members
Vice President Education Shruti Verma
Postgraduate (Research) Students Officer Mike Allwright
Education Zone Student Group Representative Michael Sims
Vice President Welfare Sam Bailey
Humanities Faculty Officer Frazer Delves
Natural and Environmental Sciences Faculty Officer Yousra Hikal
Emily Stewart
Absent with Apologies Physical Sciences & Engineering Faculty Officer Giles Howard
Union President Ben Franklin
Engineering & the Environment Faculty Officer Vinnie Sivadev
Medicine Faculty Officer Fiona Vincent
Social, Human and Mathematical Sciences Faculty Officer Bradley Tombleson
Postgraduate (Taught) Students Officer Ruchika Menon
Absent without Apologies Business, Law and Art Faculty Officer Marc Goh
Health Sciences Faculty Officer Daniel Browning
Zehong Au
Kelechi Nze
Non-members Adam Turner
Ryan Tackett

Actions and Decisions

Action SV: Send out number of post-grad Academic Awards nominations.
Action Adam: Re-draft the agreed aspects of the MEC policy and send to SV.
Action SV: Talk to Kerry (VP DCI) about procedure on passing the MEC policy.
Decision Create an Academic President role for Natural Sciences.
Action SV: Write update on mid-semester feedback.
1. Welcome & Apologies

SV advised committee of those who could not attend: Dan, Zehong, Mark, and Kelechi.

2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

3. Officer Reports

SV: Nothing to report from those absent.
Frazer: He is working on getting special considerations and academic appeals forms placed outside the Humanities faculty office.
Mike: Post-grads are fun! Held a very successful post-grad event with good turn out, and he would like to do a post-grad welcome after freshers next year similar to this.
SB: Gave update about Solidari-tea event showing support for junior doctors and medical students.

SV: Blog about recorded lectures coming before Friday at 12pm.

4. Academic Awards 2016 Update

About 200 total nominations, which is great, but the spread of nominations was inconsistent across the faculties.
Current awards system will be altered because it does not account for faculties with one or no nominations. Academic Reps will pick one faculty winner and one faculty runner up per category.
Students are being nominated for the wrong categories, including Ph.D.’s. When going through nominations, use common sense to make sure that nominees are in the correct category.
Awards will be announced alphabetically by faculty, alternating between academic awards and teaching awards categories.
Awards this year will be mugs rather than trophies. Fun, informal, and light-hearted.
Date and Time of Academic Awards Night: Thursday, 5th May starting @ 18:00
Winners for Rep awards will be selected by a panel: ES, SB, SV, Ben Franklin, Alex Neill, and Sonia Cottrell.

Action SV: Send out number of post-grad Academic Awards nominations.
5. Employability & Enterprise

SV – Creative Industries are doing an employability initiative
Trying to appeal to people who might not think that creative industries is for them, and connect them to employment opportunities in which they may be interested (I.e. working as scientific advisor for film companies). Creative Industries are not just about people on stage.

ES - Remind people to push the Academic Awards and the mini lecture series.

6. Student Monitoring Project

The University is exploring the possibility of monitoring student activity through the use of data from Blackboard, Wi-Fi logins, building entries, etc.
Primary purpose would be to have a means to supports students who may not have people regularly checking in on them.
Students on Tier IV visas are already monitored this way.
SV believes that info must be very carefully guarded; no one should be able to see that info. Should be an alert to personal tutor to follow up with student, then to enabling services.
Consensus that this raises large ethical questions about privacy.
Frazer – What info is collected, who can see it, and how is it protected? Can you opt out of monitoring if you are not a foreign student?

7. Re-establishing a Working Relationship with MEC

Adam gave overview of the new MEC PolicyMEC officials were unaware that SUSU was electing representatives. This policy seeks to bridge the gap in communication.
MEC is in Education Zone rather than External Eng. because it seeks to support military students through their studies.
This is the replacement for the previous policy pursuant to the last Education Zone Committee meeting.

Discussed the purpose of including a disciplinary provision in the policy

Action Adam: Re-draft the agreed aspects of the MEC policy and send to SV.
Action SV: Talk to Kerry (VP DCI) about procedure on passing the MEC policy.
8. Any Other Business

Yousra - Natural Sciences Academic President Policy Proposal

  • Natural Sciences do not currently have an academic president, and are not being adequately represented within the faculty because of the variation of the modules.
  • Yousra - Staff and students have requested that a position be created for an Academic President of Natural Sciences.
  • Discussed whether an Academic Vice-President or an Academic President would be more appropriate for NatSci.
  • SV proposed a round-robin vote to either create an Academic Vice-President or Academic President role, or recommend that it is not needed.
  • Present voting members unanimously recommended that Natural Sciences be given an Academic President role.

Votes taken: Should Natural Sciences have an Academic Vice-President or Academic President role?
Neither; President/VP role not needed: nil
Vice-President role: nil
President role: Unanimous      
(SV, SB, Frazer, Yousra, Mike. Michael was late and not present for vote)

Faculty Funding SV

  • There is a perception amongst students that some faculties subsidize others because equipment is provided for some courses, and not for others.
  • SV/SB – Principles that guide how decisions are made should be determined by students, implementation should be determined by Uni. (E.g. Students: Coursework submission costs should be the same for all students. Uni: How do we make that happen?

Mid-semester feedback

  • Online feedback forums have actually reduced participation rather than increase it.
  • Informal means may get more participation (I.e. post-it notes)
  • Purpose of informal system: Students actually see the effects of their feedback while they are still in the course.
Decision Create an Academic President role for Natural Sciences.
Action SV: Write update on mid-semester feedback.

Key: P (Papers Provided), PF (Papers to Follow)