
Name of Committee Annual General Meeting
Date and time 21st November 2019, 14:00
Place Students' Union (SUSU)
In Attendance
(non-voting officers and staff)
P 1. Minutes of the previous meeting

P 2. Annual Reports

3. Appointment of the Auditors

It is proposed to continue the appointment of Crowe UK as Auditors.

P 4. Resolution 1: Political Expenditure

5. Resolution 2: Should SUSU support the UCU Strike Action?

6. Petition 1: Green New Deal - To support the campaign and their demands
7. A.O.B.
Making Change Summit
P 8. Review of minutes from the previous meeting
9. Discussion 1: UK General Election
10. Discussion 2: What action can the Students’ Union take to tackle misconduct and ensure students feel safe and respected during their time at University?
11. A.O.B.

Key: P (Papers Provided), PF (Papers to Follow)