
Name of Committee Sustainability Zone
Date and time 14th October 2013, 12:00
Place The Board Room
Union President David Mendoza-Wolfson
Student Groups Rep Natalie Rowell
Equality and Diversity Officer Sam Bailey
Vice President Welfare Isabella Camilleri
Environmental and Ethical Officer Lydia Butler
In Attendance
(non-voting officers and staff)
Invited Jaki Booth
Josh Cox
P 1. Welcome & apologies

(Please see attached the original agenda document for Octover 2013, for reference on the full list of attendees - which are not able to be included in the online minutes table above)

2. Zone Strategy – comments and approval
3. Policy Review Update
4. By Law including sub-committees etc
5. Student Leader reports – updates/comments
6. BEES update (NM)
7. Any other business
8. Date of next meeting is tbc

Key: P (Papers Provided), PF (Papers to Follow)