
Name of Committee Sustainability Zone
Date and time 5th June 2014, 11:00
Place Meeting Room 1
Present Members
Vice President Welfare Isabella Camilleri
Teresa Kennard
Wild Bottomley
Absent with Apologies Tony Addison

Actions and Decisions

Action Arrange meeting with University’s Diversity Officer to discuss plans for gender neutral toilets, and introducing neutral titles in student records system Isabella Camilleri
Action Next update on University discussions, plus Sussex University visit, regarding gender neutral toilet planning for SUSU Tony Addison
Action BT to contact and discuss with Medsin regarding Essential Medicines policy lapse Isabella Camilleri
Action Provide further numbers on student participants and external participants, etc. in E&E Week Charlotte Hollands
Action Explore option of central SUSU travel policy for student funding Isabella Camilleri
Action Check on storage for E&E Promise Tree, and handover twigs Charlotte Hollands
Action Type up and send E&E Officer report to WB Charlotte Hollands
Action E&D Committee to implement the Trans Inclusion Policy, regarding gender neutral titles for student records systems (see previous Action 1 above) Thomas Gleeson
Action Meet with Jess Lobo, regarding ideas for Freshers’ Sustainability activities, plus send a callout to E&D and E&E Committees, for ideas Isabella Camilleri
Action Meet with Lydia Butler to discuss Freshers’ Festival activities ideas Charlotte Hollands
Action Send the E&E by-laws to WB Charlotte Hollands
Action Gather notes from Discussion 5.b. and meet to draft the BEES Officer role and responsibilities. Isabella Camilleri, Teresa Kennard
Action Check regarding feasible Recycle on your Doorstep collection of kitchen items, and also storage options Isabella Camilleri
Action Discuss survey options with TK, and do online callout to the E&E and E&D Committees on facebook, to request their input on sustainability survey questions and information needed. Isabella Camilleri, Teresa Kennard
Action Add to agenda: discuss topic of communicating SUSU’s processes on Food Waste Wild Bottomley
Action Find out from TA, the timescale on introducing more vegetarian/vegan options in The Bridge Isabella Camilleri
Decision The BEES Officer will sit on E&E Committee, and also report to Sustainability Zone Committee as a non-voting member
1. Apologies & attendance

Apologies and attendance was noted as above.

2. Approval of minutes from previous meeting

The minutes for the previous Sustainability Zone Committee meeting (https://www.susu.org/meetings/942) were approved. A review is given below. Some action points have been carried over from the previous meeting, see list of Actions.

 In the review of actions from the previous meeting, the following points were noted:

2.1  Regarding the previous actions covering gender neutral titles and gender neutral toilets, it was discussed and agreed that the new Trans Inclusion Policy passed in May 2014, supersedes these related committee actions, and that actioning of these comes under E&D Committee implementing the new Trans Inclusion Policy (see Action 6). However BT is due to arrange a meeting with the University’s Diversity Officer, to discuss introducing gender neutral titles within the student records systems (see Action 1) – and TA is due to give an update at the next meeting, on University discussions plus the visit to Sussex University, in regard to gender neutral toilet planning for SUSU (see Action 2).

2.2  Regarding the action for BT on reviewing Employability, BT updated that this was incorrectly explained at the last meeting – as there is not yet an Employability policy at SUSU regarding students: a researcher is due to be hired over the summer to look at what the University and other Students’ Unions are doing in terms of employability, what opportunities there may be externally to SUSU to use to develop this, etc. to develop a report with recommendations on this area for SUSU.

2.3  BT updated on the meetings with E&E Officer CH, to align E&E committee policy and E&E policy statement, plus discussion with TK to align these with the Sustainability Zone policy, which were completed and successfully passed at Union Council in March.

2.4  TK provided the update on the review of Corporate Critic, stating that it is being embedded within SUSU now that suppliers’ scores can be logged within the Finance system, the prioritisation of issues has been completed and a process flowchart is being developed to explain its use within the organisation. Corporate Critic was also used during the contract procedure for the new draught contract.

 2.5  Regarding the recent EcoCampus audit, CH updated that it ran well. The new E&E Officer’s role will involve going through the audit with Scott Malcolmson (SM), SUSU Facilities Manager for the next Ecocampus audit, for SM to feed back into the next audit process.

2.6  BT updated on the University’s mental health review and student consultation, stating disappointment that the review had not fully consulted the student body, only discussing with BT as a student representative. BT will be issuing a survey on Wellbeing this week, and feedback from this will then be directed to the mental health review author, which it is hoped will further inform the review.

2.7  Regarding the Essential Medicines policy lapse, BT is to now contact Medsin, as the relevant committees have changed.

2.8  From E&E Week, CH is due to provide further numbers on student participants and external participants for the event.

2.9  Regarding exploring the option of a central SUSU travel policy for student funding, BT updated that initial discussions have been had with fellow Sabs, and there is general consensus that this is a useful option to discuss and explore.

Action Arrange meeting with University’s Diversity Officer to discuss plans for gender neutral toilets, and introducing neutral titles in student records system (Isabella Camilleri)
Action Next update on University discussions, plus Sussex University visit, regarding gender neutral toilet planning for SUSU (Tony Addison)
Action BT to contact and discuss with Medsin regarding Essential Medicines policy lapse (Isabella Camilleri)
Action Provide further numbers on student participants and external participants, etc. in E&E Week (Charlotte Hollands)
Action Explore option of central SUSU travel policy for student funding (Isabella Camilleri)
3. E&E officer report & project update

CH outlined E&E Committee’s recent activities. The AGM was held before the exam period, with 3 positions unfilled. The Energy & Water Co-ordinator will be covering Blackout and the previous Blackout officer will be continuing until December, to oversee planning for November’s Blackout event.

CH noted that the Sustainability Action intern for this summer is not a leaver, and therefore unfortunately their summer experience will not be fed directly into E&E Committee for next year, however it was suggested that the intern could give a comprehensive hand-over document for E&E Committee, their Sustainability Action Co-ordinator and SUSU.

Regarding the E&E Promise Tree, CH will check on storage and whether it needs to be dismantled or moved, and will hand over more twigs for use in 2014-15 (see Action).

CH is due to type up and email the E&E Officer report to WB (see Action).

Action Check on storage for E&E Promise Tree, and handover twigs (Charlotte Hollands)
Action Type up and send E&E Officer report to WB (Charlotte Hollands)
4. E&D officer report & project update

TG sent a brief email update on E&D Committee’s recent activities, outlining the successful IDAHOT (International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia) celebrations on 17th May, with a film screening and hand printing a huge Pride flag – which were very well received. The Trans Inclusion Policy was submitted at the Union Council AGM in May, and the policy was passed. TG noted this represents a great step forward in SUSU's commitment to ensuring trans and non- binary students feel welcomed and included during their university life – and the next step will be to implement the policy.

Action E&D Committee to implement the Trans Inclusion Policy, regarding gender neutral titles for student records systems (see previous Action 1 above) (Thomas Gleeson)
5. Discussion

a. Freshers’ Festival

TK asked the Committee for their ideas regarding September’s Freshers’ Festival – currently in its planning stages with requesting activities and scheduling these. TK outlined activities are to include BEES volunteer signup, Blackout volunteer signup, E&E Promise tree, and the possibility of a Fairtrade fashion show and pop-up charity shops.

It is still to be decided how to package and promote these activities. BT noted that there may be a whole day for Sustainability activities (to be confirmed) – and CH noted that it is useful to have these related activities running together both indoors and outdoors, as with last year’s Make A Difference Day as part of Freshers’, in the Concourse.

CH suggested getting student Societies involved, including Marine Conservation (last year they ran a sandcastle building activity) and Sustainability Action (ran a sustainability pledge activity last year). Plus the suggestion of booking the Smoothie bicycle!

TK asked for further activity ideas, and how best to go forward with putting these activities together. It was agreed that it will be more useful to have BEES promotional materials at different events to reach more students, rather than a specific ‘BEES event’. CH said E&E has the recycling game and the energy-saving Olympics, which have been successful games at previous student events, and also at the recent EnviroRock community event. CH suggested information on the Green Label project could also be included.

BT will be meeting with Jess Lobo (previous Sustainability Action intern) to gather more ideas for Freshers’ Sustainability activities, plus will send a callout to E&D and E&E Committees, for ideas (see Action). CH will also meeting with the new E&E Officer, Lydia Butler, to discuss ideas. TK and BT are due to meet this month with Sam Bailey (E&D Officer) and Lydia Butler (E&E Officer) discuss ideas.

GD asked if there would be non-alcoholic events as part of the Freshers’ Festival, and to ensure that the MasterPass is value for money for everyone, including people who do       not drink and go to those events. BT reported there will be more non-alcohol events as part of this Freshers’ Festival, and that the focus is now more about getting to know SUSU. GD also noted it is important to make clear that events are open to all, for example International events are not just for International students.


b. BEES Officer

BT outlined the idea of establishing the role of BEES Officer, to sit either on E&E Committee or Sustainability Zone Committee, as it was discussed at the BEES team Away Day there needs to be a closer relationship between E&E Committee and BEES. TK stated that addition of a BEES Officer would need to be added to the relevant Committee’s bylaws, and that Sustainability Zone Committee would be responsible for agreeing on the three areas of responsibility.

CH noted that the potential BEES Officer could sit on E&E Committee, and also report to the Sustainability Zone Committee, as a non-voting member – and suggested that it would be best to have BEES-trained volunteers as candidates for the role of BEES Officer. CH will send the E&E by-laws for reference (see Action).

BT, CH and GD suggested the three areas could be: a point of call for students to talk to (other than staff)/ leading volunteers; reporting back to E&E committee; publicising volunteering opportunities; fortnightly meetings.

TK will gather these notes, and meet with BT to draft the BEES Officer role and responsibilities, ready for the first Sustainability Zone Committee meeting in the new academic year (see Action).


c. Recycle on your doorstep

This discussion topic was forwarded by Claire Gilbert, VP External Engagement, regarding whether to organise a bag drop for the end of this term. BT updated that there will not be a full collection week – there will be bags available in SUSU for students to pickup and use, and there will then be a street collection or students can take their filled bags to the bins BHF red bins in SUSU on the concourse.

BT noted there were questions regarding being able to get students to participate over the Summer, however even if it is a small scale collection it is still worth running. Also there is a question regarding collection of kitchen items to check, and this item collection could be aimed at leavers – plus a question of storage options (see Action).


d. Sustainability awareness information requirements

Regarding the University’s Sustainability Awareness Survey (issued in February 2014 to staff and students), TK outlined that NUS Students’ Green Fund, the funders of SUSU’s BEES project, are looking for mid-project research. BEES has not got a formal mid-project survey lined up, and it was noted that the Sustainability Awareness Survey does not provide enough information on BEES. BT noted that it would be useful to measure the impact that the Sustainability Zone, and E&E and E&D Committees have had over the year.

TK gave an open call to E&E and E&D Committees on what information would be useful to gather regarding Sustainability activities, via survey questions – for a survey issued at the beginning of the academic year (September), to cover where we are now, and what we are doing in the zone, etc. (e.g. ‘what info would it be useful for you to know about?’ - student awareness, attitudes, etc.). This survey could be matched with the University’s Sustainability Survey, or run separately. TK suggested it may be better to do a separate SUSU survey, as the University cannot share the full results or drill down within the data in its current format.

BT will discuss survey options with TK, and will post out to the E&E and E&D Committees on facebook, to request their input (see Action).

Action Meet with Jess Lobo, regarding ideas for Freshers’ Sustainability activities, plus send a callout to E&D and E&E Committees, for ideas (Isabella Camilleri)
Action Meet with Lydia Butler to discuss Freshers’ Festival activities ideas (Charlotte Hollands)
Action Send the E&E by-laws to WB (Charlotte Hollands)
Action Gather notes from Discussion 5.b. and meet to draft the BEES Officer role and responsibilities. (Isabella Camilleri, Teresa Kennard)
Action Check regarding feasible Recycle on your Doorstep collection of kitchen items, and also storage options (Isabella Camilleri)
Action Discuss survey options with TK, and do online callout to the E&E and E&D Committees on facebook, to request their input on sustainability survey questions and information needed. (Isabella Camilleri, Teresa Kennard)
Decision The BEES Officer will sit on E&E Committee, and also report to Sustainability Zone Committee as a non-voting member
6. BEES update

TK outlined the update from BEES, including the successful BEES Team Away Day on 3rd June, which provided the opportunity to develop legacy planning for the project.

It was noted that the timescale with businesses signing up and participating in BEES has extended, due to the BEES Agreement and other legal documentation being developed formally – and taking time to consider for the businesses. However this is a positive sign that the BEES programme is being taken seriously by businesses and organisations, and these audits will now begin in the Autumn term.

 Blackout meetings are going ahead, with planning for the event on 14th November.

7. AOB

Sustainability Action Award
TK updated that the Sustainability Zone won in the University’s first Sustainability Action Award, for Outstanding Student and Staff Team Award on 26th March! BT is looking to get the award displayed in SUSU, at least for a short period - it is currently displayed in the University.
Food waste
An update from Claire Gilbert VP External Engagement was forwarded by BT, regarding the issue of food waste at SUSU raised by students:
“SUSU as an organisation is always looking to better itself and be the most sustainable organisation it can be. One of the issues raised to me via a few students had been around communicating our processes about Food Waste.  I know that we use companies who we can return our products to as well as having very little waste generally but I see no reason not to shout about it and advertise who we donate our extra waste to when an event finishes and there are sandwiches etc.  I was bringing it here to see what you all thought and whether it should be something we pursue!”
Claire had spoken with Tony Addison, Head of Commercial Development and was informed regarding the company returns, and BT added that leftover sandwiches from SUSU outlets are made available to support staff at the end of the day.
CH noted that if SUSU students want to ‘shout about’ food waste, this would need to be linked into Waste Wars, as there needs to be a focus on all SUSU waste and recycling, not just food waste. CH added that with Waste Wars, it was found that the use of the two bin system in SUSU could be improved, and so there is potentially an aspect to pursue here, in terms of promoting using the bin system properly, for food/ non-food waste, in SUSU as well as across campus – discussion and consideration of the topic of communicating SUSU’s processes on Food Waste will be added to the next meeting agenda (see Action).
Sexual Harassment Policy
BT updated on SUSU’s new policy on Sexual Harassment recently passed at Union Council in March. There will soon be posters to inform students and staff, regarding what sexual harassment is and how to report it within the University. A series of videos is also being developed, which are due to be ready for Freshers’ in September.
Vegetarian options in The Bridge
GD mentioned she was taking a question to Union Council regarding limited vegetarian options on The Bridge menu. BT noted that TA is keen to increase the vegetarian/vegan options, and will find out the timescale on introducing these (see Action).
Thankyou to Committee
BT thanked everyone for their hard work and attendance at Sustainability Zone Committee, in its first year – having made some great steps and achievements, and looking forward to continuing this work in 2014-15.

Action Add to agenda: discuss topic of communicating SUSU’s processes on Food Waste (Wild Bottomley)
Action Find out from TA, the timescale on introducing more vegetarian/vegan options in The Bridge (Isabella Camilleri)
8. Date of next meeting is tbc

The next Sustainability Zone Committee will be held in the Autumn term.

Key: P (Papers Provided), PF (Papers to Follow)