Provide fitness classes in Jubilee gym at the weekend

Laura Farrington submitted on

Monday 4th February 2019


Please provide a couple of fitness classes ie spin/yoga/body pump at the weekend, understandably a smaller selection 


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Thursday 30th May 2019 3:52pm

Hi Laura,

Thank you for your submission. I have spoken to the Assistant Manager of Sport and Wellbeing who has replied to me with this response:

Thank you for your feedback about classes. We offer a large range of classes throughout the week and we try to deliver as many as we can. Behind the scenes of how we run and allocate the programme we work around all the different commitments we have in place along with staffing contracts. We try and allocate as much time to casual bookings over the weekend as we are aware that more people are free and in the week we have a lot of sports club block bookings. Another factor is our class instructor has a set number of hours per week in their contract and we use most of that during the working week. As it stands we do not have any further plans to increase the numbers of staff in our team due to budgetary constraints, however we do take your feedback on board and when we review the class programme for September onwards we will look to see what we could offer that is different to this year.

Having checked the schedule I can confirm that Sport and Wellbeing do in fact have two classes that happen on Saturdays (Zumba and LBT/Legs Bums Tums) happening at both Jubilee Sports Hall and Mayflower gym. These aren't happening during exam season, but could be a good option throughout vacation periods and term times. Source:

If you have any other feedback please feel free to get in touch any time!

Best wishes,

Steve Gore, VP Sport


  • Forwarded to Sports Development

    Friday 8th Feb 2019 1:01pm


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