advocate a more environmentally friendly lifestyle.

Lauren McInerney submitted on

Sunday 30th December 2018


3,000 litres of water are used to produce one quarter-pounder hamburger. We are close to mass extinction of animals for the first time in 66 million years due to deforestation to enable the production of palm oil and the husbandry of animals. The SU should consider making one of the resteraunts fully vegetarian/vegan in order to advocate how easy and exciting a change in behaviours could be for many students. Recycling or walking everywhere is not enough to change the world - this stereotype needs to change - and the University has a duty to provide enlightenment. 


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Monday 11th Feb 2019 3:11pm

Hi there, 

Thank you for your submission. As an organisation, we are very interested in being as sustainable as possible and we implement this within SUSU and lobby the University in as many areas as possible (particuarly waste management and the goods and services we offer students). Currently, at least a quarter of our menu in The Bridge is vegan and there is always a vegan option in The Cafe. In addition, we sell environmentally friendly products on our One-by-One range in The Shop. We do lots of campaings, such as our sustainability survey currently taking place and our sustainabiltiy zone collab event that is coming up in March, to advocate for a more sustainable lifestyle. If you would like to be invovled in sustainability conversations, please attend our next Sustainability Zone meeting week commencing 11th March. 

Best wishes, 

Isabella Camilleri

Vice-President Welfare

University of Southampton Students' Union

Students' Union replied on

Sunday 13th Jan 2019 3:25pm

Hi there, 


Thank you for your submission. I can confirm receipt of your idea/ question and am looking into it. Please expect a response in 5-10 working days. 


Best wishes, 

Isabella Camilleri 

VP Welfare 

University of Southampton Students' Union

Students' Union replied on

Sunday 13th Jan 2019 3:24pm

Hi there, 


Thank you for your submission. I can confirm receipt of your idea/ question and am looking into it. Please expect a response in 5-10 working days. 


Best wishes, 

Isabella Camilleri 

VP Welfare 

University of Southampton Students' Union


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