Questioning SUSU's rebranding

Bart Jennings submitted on

Monday 16th May 2016


I propose reversing SUSU's current rebranding, but not taking rebranding off the table. It is clear that many students find it a joke, and the "Us." is the part most people dislike (for good reason). It looks WAAAY too corporate, and not friendly. Perhaps once designs are come up with, getting the feel of the student body towards the designs, for example with a referendum (or an "All-Student Vote" as I believe it is now called), because at the minute itb seems like you have forced an unpleasant change upon us without ENOUGH consultation about the specifics. You had a referendum on the library becoming 24/7, frankly something which SUSU had no say at all in what was happening, however things happening with how SUSU represents itself should have more student interaction at the implementation and design stage. For ideas about how to propose such a change and have it well thought out - investigate the New Zealand Flag referendum. They did it for a whole country. maybe you can do it for us?


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Tuesday 17th May 2016 11:51am

We’re having a meeting tomorrow night (6pm in The Bridge) to answer some more questions about the rebrand and what the next steps are in light of the controversy – before any more big decisions are made, I’d like to invite you to come along a hear a bit more about why this happened and why I think we need to stay on course. After that, if you are still not satisfied, then more drastic steps can be taken if they are still felt necessary and the Union will facilitate this (see the bottom of this blog:

Ben Franklin
Union President


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