Jukebox in the Stags

Anonymous submitted on

Monday 13th March 2017


It'd be fab to install a jukebox into the Stags, so that people can queue music that they want to hear. There are jukeboxes that accept "credits" (so you can buy credits, or alternatively you can change the settings so that people don't have to pay), but I think this could be a fun addition to the Stags. 


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Tuesday 28th Mar 2017 11:45am

Hi there,


Thanks for the great idea. I completely agree that it would be a fun addition to The Stag’s, however we are currently under contract with SubTV to use their music. The only times we are allowed to turn off the SubTV music is when there is televised sport being shown, or during our special events such as Flamingo, or Karaoke. We will absolutely keep it in consideration for the future though.


Many thanks, Alex Hovden – Union President


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