UoS Herbaceous

Sevendy Patchamuthu submitted on

Wednesday 12th April 2017


Our university campus site shoud be fully utilised and made resouceful to university members and the local community. The excess space can be used to grow our own organic vegetables, or plots can be distributed among the different faculties to create their own bespoke vegetable plots. University members could enjoy the harvest with a 'honesty box', cafes on campus site could buy the vegetables with subsidised price; cooked meal price made more affordable to all. The project can make the campus site more appealing; gardening as healthy and therapeutic activity. UoS will get a 'face-lift' from this project (:


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 27th Oct 2017 1:37pm

Hi Sevendy,

As Dan has said, space is extremely limited. We can look into alternative options on a perhaps smaller scale, with relevant societies at the Students' Union. Any updates would be communicated on our SUSU blog, Facebook, and Twitter.

Sam Higman - Vice President Welfare

Students' Union replied on

Friday 16th Jun 2017 11:34am

Hi Sevendy,

Apologies this has taken a while for a response, as I'm sure you are aware, the University are reluctant to give any space to this kind of project. We are trying to find a solution and when we do you will be the first to know.


Dan Varley - Vice-President Engagement


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    Friday 29th Sep 2017 1:14pm

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    File: /var/www/susu.org/docs/you-make-change/item.php
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    #0 {main}