Appoint Mental Health/Disability Support Officers

Azaria Coupe submitted on

Thursday 13th April 2017


The handling of mental and physical health is sub-par at the University of Southampton; despite years of chronic and mental illness, I have not found any support/help from the Union. Many of my peers with such conditions have had little to no idea who to turn to.

The Union should appoint Disability and Mental Health Support Officers for each Faculty - trained in understanding the possible routes to emotional and practical help, through the Faculty or otherwise.

Needs differ between Undergraduates and PhD students; therefore for each Faculty, an Undergraduate and Postgraduate representative should be appointed.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Monday 12th Jun 2017 3:49pm

Hi Azaria,


Thanks for your idea submission, and please accept my apoligies in taking so long to get back to you. I agree with you that this is is something the Union can, and should, do. Over the summer, we're launching a big 'Union Review' project where we look at everything we do. I'll be sure to make sure your idea submission is folded into the review!


Many thanks,

Cameron Meldrum
Vice-President Democracy and Creative Industries


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