have a microwave and kettle in the library

Anonymous submitted on

Tuesday 9th May 2017


there is a microwave in the union building but that is quite far from the library, and especially when the library is 24 hours there is nowhere to heat up your food! A kettle would also be useful instead of charging us 50p in the cafe and then again thats only availbale in cafe opening hours which do not fit with the library opening hours 


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 8th Sep 2017 1:37pm

Hello again! 

Due to the fact that this is now being actively looked into by the University, we're going to close this issue. Keep an eye out for future blog updates about the microwave situation in Hartley Library, and let me know if you have any more questions!

All the best, 

Samuel Dedman (VP Education)

Students' Union replied on

Friday 1st Sep 2017 1:46pm

Hello again!

Apologies for this taking a bit longer than planned - I recieved an update from the Library earlier today with progress being made on one of the two fronts that you mentioned. To summarise:

Hot water is proving a little tricky, due to the age of the Hartley Library building. However the Library Team are continuing to look into ways which this could be achieved, and I'll keep you posted if there are any developments here. 

Microwaves are looking a lot more positive. The Library Team recognise that there does need to be some provision for students over the 24-hour period, and are working with Catering to see if there is a way that some sort of offering could be introduced to the building. There will likely be a trial of some description in the near future, so keep an eye out for communications about that. 

I hope this helps, and please do get in touch if you have any more questions!

All the best,

Samuel Dedman (VP Education)

Students' Union replied on

Friday 4th Aug 2017 1:40pm


Thanks for getting in touch. Apologies for the delay in replying, but I can confirm that I have a meeting organised with the Library next week where I will be discussing this. I'll hopefully have an update for you in a couple of weeks, so hang tight!

All the best,

Samuel Dedman (VP Education)

Students' Union replied on

Friday 2nd Jun 2017 4:52pm

Thanks for the feedback. We are putting a plan together for lobbying the University on improving the study spaces across campus, and I will feed your comments into this. This will all be displayed online and discussed at the Education Zone meetings so you are welcome to get involved and help out!


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