Have a dedicated rehearsal space for Orchestral Societies

Anonymous submitted on

Friday 12th May 2017


There isn't a decent-sized space/enough decent-sized spaces on offer for orchestral societies.  The cafe is the best one, but the acoustics are dead, which means that some bands struggle when in concerts to adjust to the better acoustics.  The Wind Orchestra rehearse in Clubs and Socs, which is far too small, Sinf use a seminar room in Building 2 and SUSO have to pay an extortinate amount to use Turner Sims each week.  A large room with good acoustics and a high ceiling is desperately needed and would transform the rehearsal experience for every orchestra.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Monday 12th Jun 2017 4:00pm

Hi there,

Thanks for your idea submission! I completely understand that rehersal space for music societies is a constantly frustartion, but I also hope you can appreciate that we can't just build a new rehersal space overnight. Your idea submission, along with a few other similar submissions, have become part of an Action Plan I am working on that aims to find more rehersal space for Performing Arts societies in general. The work into this Action Plan involves researching where all PA societies are currently rehearsing and performing, holding discussions with relevant staff over at the University about making it easier to book out Turner Sims and other spaces, and investigating any instances where societies have been unable to book University spaves, including lecture theatres (as we have been getting some reports that this is a problem).

Athough this probably isn't the answer you were hoping for, I hope this offers some reassurance that we are working to make things better and easier for PA societies!

Many thanks,

Cameron Meldrum
Vice-President Democracy and Creative Industries


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