Influence positively in the habits of students by improving the type and quality of food that is sold

Francisco Miranda Gonzalez submitted on

Saturday 13th May 2017


In a great deal, how we eat determine our performance, wellness and happiness. At the university, we can eat what we can buy. For example, at The Shop at Highfield campus, there is just a small place for some fruits, while there are several corridors full of processed and sugary products. Students are going to end up eating something unhealthy. Nevertheless, by changing this to a balance between healthy and unhealthy foods of 50% we can impact positively on people's decisions to have more options to choose and increasing the chances of them eating better and therefore feeling better.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 29th Sep 2017 3:14pm


Hi Francisco,

The Shop has a wide range of food for students to choose from, including healthy and less healthy options. For example, whilst we do offer pastries and sweet treats, we also have a range of smoothies, cereal bars, alternatives to crisps and snacks, and healthier fillings in sandwiches and wraps. In addition, the sandwiches, baguettes, wraps, etc., all have the nutrional information on the package, so it is clear what you are eating. 

The Bridge has a varied menu, comprised of 50% vegetarian options and 25% vegan options, including salads, risotto, and soups. Meals at The Bridge are created by a Michelin trained chef, and so are of top quality, but at affordable prices - and are healthier options! 

Students are autonomous and therefore will make their own decisions about what they want to eat, and some days we just can't turn down a Cafe Breakfast!

Sam Higman, Vice President Welfare

Students' Union replied on

Tuesday 20th Jun 2017 9:47am

Hi Francisco!

Thanks for your idea! I will take this to the next Operations and Services Advisory Forum, where it will be discussed by both students and member of Union staff. This meeting is unlikely to occur, however, until the new academic year, so in the meantime I will action the Vice-President Welfare to speak to our Union Services team (who run the shop) and bring you an update!


Flora Noble, Vice-President Student Communities and Deputy President 


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