
Francine Laurin submitted on

Thursday 26th October 2017


Student Union should subsidize coffee on campus - I feel that £1.60 for coffee is expensive

Also, gym fees I feel are quite expensive too


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 1st Dec 2017 1:01pm

Hi Francine,

Having done some research across campus, it would seem that our coffee prices often undercut other places on campus, and we're very proud of this given that all of our bars staff are barista trained, meaning you get a great cup of coffee every time! University outlets (for example in the Library cafe) now offer free hot water for students, so you could always bring in your own coffee!

Hope this helps!

Flora, Union President

Students' Union replied on

Thursday 9th Nov 2017 12:54pm

Hi Francine,

Thanks for your idea. 

I will look into coffee prices across campus and get back to you soon. In terms of gym membership prices, they are set by the University each year, so I will pass your feedback onto Steve, who is VP Sports, so he can let the University know. If you want more information about gym prices, you can find it here:

Hope this helps!

Flora, Union President


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