Water Bottle Refill Stations

Francine Laurin submitted on

Thursday 26th October 2017


I would suggest to have more Water Bottle Refill Stations on campus and have them advertised better.

This will help reduce purchase of water bottles on campus


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Wednesday 15th Nov 2017 1:09pm

Hi Francine, 

I agree that water bottle refil stations and water fountains are difficult to find in some buildings, due to the fact that there is no map at present. Making the location of water bottle refil stations known more widely would additionally encourage individuals to bring in a reusable water bottle, which is much more sustainable! I believe the University are working on creating a map with information on where water fountains can be found. In the meantime, there are multiple water points within the Students' Union Building! 


Sam Higman - Vice President Welfare




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