Provide a music practice room for non-Music students

Christian Edgar submitted on

Friday 27th October 2017


The University would benefit from the availability of some music practice or recording facilities that are available to the general student body outside of the mysic department and certain specific clubs and events. This would be particularly useful if instruments that are not convenient for many people to access regularly were supplied, e.g. drums or a piano!


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Thursday 8th Feb 2018 6:18pm

Hi Christian, 

Unfortunately the University have indicated that opening up Music student facilities will not be possible at this moment in time, and there are no plans currently to introduce a brand new space for non-music students. I will continue to push for this however, because I believe it is a good idea and would be a great resource. I will update on my social media channels and the Union blog if I'm able to make progress on this.

Many thanks, 

Evie Reilly - VP Democracy and Creative Industries

Students' Union replied on

Friday 8th Dec 2017 12:19pm


I agree that of course as a Univeristy and Union we want to encourage and enable as many as students possible to pursue music. In the Union we do have a piano practice room availble to all students that you can book through, logging in with your university log in. In terms of creating more rooms for music practice or changing access to current rooms, any room that contains expensive equipment would require a system of monitoring who uses it, and of course the initial financial contribution to set up such a room. We at the Union are not currently in a financial position to do this, but I am more than happy to raise the issue with the music department, and wider contacts involved in arts at the University to try and further facilitate access to music for non-music students. I'll update you with any feedback I get!

Many thanks, 

Evie Reilly - VP Democracy and Creative Industries 



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