NUS extra

Anonymous submitted on

Tuesday 31st October 2017


We should be affiliated with NUS extra since we can get discounts within Southampton only but NOT at the rest of the Kingdom.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Thursday 9th Nov 2017 12:32pm

Hi! Thanks for your idea.

Although we aren't affiliated with the NUS, the majority of shops etc in Southampton accept your student card as evidence so you can get student discount. If you wanted online student discount, I'd recommend downloading an app such as UniDays, which produces a code that you can use with websites such as ASOS. UniDays will also bring up a screen that is proof of student status (I used to use it a lot when I didn't have my student card on me, or in other cities!)

Hope this helps!

Flora, Union President


    SUSU - Error
    File: /var/www/
    Line: 665
    Exception: Call to a member function isStudent() on bool
    Stack Trace:
    #0 {main}