Bring back the food menu at Bar three

Anonymous submitted on

Sunday 5th November 2017


Why did it even get removed? It seems like the union is set on increasing student dissatisfaction and decreasing their bank balance by making them go off campus to get actually decent food. 


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 17th Nov 2017 12:37pm

Hi! Thank you for your idea.

We changed the purpose of Bar 3 over the summer because of the increasing amount of lectures happening in the Cube, and the fact that that led to a less than pleasant atmosphere to sit down and have food. Likewise, not enough people were buying food in Bar 3 to cover the staff costs, meaning that we had to rethink its purpose. We brought build-a-burger back to the Cafe to ensure that students could still get their burger fix. Food prices across the University (not just in our outlets but also in places such as Piazza and Arlott) are an area of interest for us, so keep an eye out for anything on that in the future!


Flora. Union President


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