Make a post grad space/bar

Anonymous submitted on

Thursday 9th November 2017


Would love a dedicated post grad space / bar on campus 


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Wednesday 15th Nov 2017 3:04pm

Hi Anonymous,

Thank you for submitting a You Make Change. We have the Bridge on Thursdays which is PG orientated, and controlled in part by the PG Committee, but unfortunately we do not have any other capacity for space at Highfield. Moreover, we are stretched for spaces at any of our other campuses, let alone PG space. However, saying this, the Union is due a renovation, and I will talk to our President to ensure that Postgraduate students are considered in the planning of the build. What's more, I spoke to the Vice Chancellor about doing a PG Student Forum, where it'd be appropriate for this to be raised, as the University has some money that is earmarked for infrastructure.

Until then however, check out the Bridge on Thursdays, and get in contact with the PGT or PGR Officer for more detail about our social plans for postgrads here, under student leaders:

Kind regards,


Vice President Student Communities



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