Remove plastic cutlery in all campuses/cafes

Anonymous submitted on

Wednesday 22nd November 2017


If the university is dedicated to reducing its use of plastic (and cutting its pollution output), the removal of ALL plastic cultery from cafes and campuses in favour of wooden/metal cutlery should be a priority. There isn't any valid reason why it should still be in use after years of the university talking about their efforts to 'make changes and go green'.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 1st Dec 2017 2:55pm

Hi, thank you for your idea.

As you may be aware, we had a debate about whether we should ban plastic straws at the AGM on Wednesday 29 November at 13:00. Plastic cutlery was raised as another concern in this debate, and I suggested that this could be a next "project" after the straws. 

I will take this idea to Sustainability Zone for discussions, and to see what alternatives we could pursue. 


Kind regards,

Sam - VP Welfare


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