have healthier cooked breakfast options available in the Bridge (or elsewhere)

Anonymous submitted on

Wednesday 7th March 2018


The Bridge's bacon baguettes are great for breakfast, quite high quality and reasonably priced, but they're quite unhealthy so why not make something else like egg on toast or avocado toast available? I also can't convince my vegetarian friends to go to the bridge with the promise of paying over the odds for granola or similar...

The cafe and piazza's breakfasts are similarly fatty...


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 19th Oct 2018 4:52pm

Hi Anon,

Apologies for the time lapse in getting back to you regarding this.

As you might be aware, there have been some changes made to the Bridge menu following your feedback! We have introduced two new low calorie dishes, and also added the option to swap chips out on most dishes for new potatoes, mixed salad, or steamed vegetables. I will be working closely with our Union Services Directorate over the next year to introduce more healthy options moving forwards, hopefully with more on offer for vegetarian and vegan students as well. We will also be introducing nutritional information on our menus during the next term to empower students to make more informed choices, and also to highlight where we need to do better to provide a healthy and balanced diet for our students.

Best wishes,

Steve Gore, VP Sports

Students' Union replied on

Wednesday 23rd May 2018 12:21pm

Hi Anonymous,

Thanks for your YMC. Please can you publicise this so it can be up/down voted to see whether students want to see this happen.

Thank you!


VP Student Communities



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