designate half of the new building being built for medical students

Anonymous submitted on

Tuesday 13th March 2018


Many medics don't feel at home at highfield seeing as they don't have a building to themselves, or even a common room or classrooms. It's a shame because every other medical school creates an enriching and comfortable enviornment for its future doctors. They are students of Southampton University (not Southampton Hospital). Also pre-clinical years spend as much time at highfield than any other course. 


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Wednesday 23rd May 2018 11:05am

Hi Anonymous,

Thanks for your You Make Change submission. I understand where you are coming from and I am committeed to create an inclusive environment for our Medical students, but the new building already has a purpose for which it is built for, as part of the VC's plan of campus expansion. 

If there is anything you think of that the Students' Union can do to make students feel part of the University atmosphere, please let me know!



VP Student Communities



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