Lawrence Coomber, Union President
Hi Everyone! This fortnight has been a slower one than Freshers’ week, as one would expect, but we have still been busy at the Student Union. Many of you will have seen us doorknocking and handing out free reusable recycling bags as part of a scheme by the University, Local Council and us to help improve recycling in the area. It was great to see you all and we hope you use the bags well! More doorknocking is to come in the following weeks. SUSU also attended an Estates Masterplan consultation session, where we helped contribute to the architect’s plans for the next 10 years of estates development on campus. I’ve also been out and about to multiple societies as you may have seen – I’m very happy to pop along to any society so please reach out to us and showcase what you’re doing! That’s all for me this fortnight, I hope you all have settled in well and see you again in two weeks!
Rebecca Would, VP Education and Democracy
Hi all, the last couple of weeks have been super busy with supporting our Autumn Elections and beginning training of your new Course Reps! If you think your Course Rep or President is doing a great job you can nominate them for Rep of the Month and every month we will be celebrating some of our incredible representatives! You can find your Reps on the SUSU website to see who is representing you this year.
As your Students’ Union, we are here to represent your interests throughout the year (academic and otherwise), so I have been supporting our Insights Team with surveying students in our buildings to find out what you want to see from Sabbs, Elected Volunteers (including Course Reps, Student Officers and Clubs/Socs Committees), Appointed Committees and full-time SUSU Staff. We have some data from surveys you have already completed with us, as well as the in-person surveying, and you can sign up to a co-creation session to help shape how you are represented at SUSU!
On the University side, it’s been an important fortnight with University Senate – the highest education body in the University, BlackBoard Ultra Project Board, University Research Ethics, Education Partnerships Subcommittee and NSS meetings. My role in all these meetings is to consistently consider student voice and feedback, and how we can ensure students are consulted and listened to throughout. If you have any questions about any of my meetings or my role in them, please drop me an email at vpeddem@soton.ac.uk!
Emily Dugdale, VP Activities
Hi Everyone! Over the last 2 weeks, I’ve continued meeting with society presidents so I can find out how to best support each society’s individual needs. I’ve been busy actioning points that came up in these meetings to ensure everyone is on the same page with how societies are running. I’ve also been working on the plans for some exciting society events that I hope to tell you more about in the near future.
I’m thrilled to say that almost all the roles are filled for the Executive Committee and we will begin meeting very soon. This committee will give me valuable feedback from all society categories and create a more cohesive approach to activities at SUSU.
Coming up, I have some exciting meetings about Turner Sims and the John Hansard Gallery and I’m looking forward to hearing more about arts and culture at the University and how societies can get involved.
Lottie James, VP Welfare & Community
Hi Everyone! I hope you’ve had a great fortnight. My update is quite short this week as I was off sick last week, but I have finally returned for good since Monday.
This week, I have really been getting back into the swing of things. The Activities Team and I have been working on various campaigns, such as Disability History Month, Asexual Awareness Week, Transgender Awareness Week, and Black History Month. I’m so excited to bring you Asexual Awareness Week this year in collaboration with your LGBTQ+ Officer and the LGBTQ+ Society. I’m really proud of how involved your Liberation Officers have been this year, and we have so many good things coming up to support you. I hope to see you at our Ace Awareness Week Mixer – there will be cake!
I met with the Residences Lifecycle team at the University to talk about LGBTQ+ training and supporting LGBTQ+ students in Halls of Residences. On the back of this, keep the Residences Life website pinned because we’ll be sharing specific blog posts to support underrepresented students as they transition into university life, including the best spots in town for hairdressers or food shops, and connecting with the wider community.
This week, we launched the Disabled Students Network which saw members of the University, SUSU, and students coming together to discuss how to make both university life and the University’s campuses more accessible. We’ll be sharing information on disabled wheelchair sports, accessibility around NOC and more in the minutes. If you’d like to join the Disabled Student Network, please do get in touch!
I hope you are all having a great start to the term, are looking after yourself, and taking advantage of the support offered by the Student Hub and the Advice Centre. Just a reminder that the Gender Expression Fund has now launched and is ready for applications. I also have a new SUSU Communities Instagram account that will share updates on my work, work from your Liberation Officers, and campaign updates! Please do give it a follow!
Have a lovely fortnight and I’ll be back in a couple of weeks with more updates for you! 😊
Conor White, VP Sports
Hi everyone, I hope you are all well.
The new sports season is back! We have now completed the first two game weeks of the BUCS season, and just starting to kick off everyone’s Intramural season. I have been working through ways that I can actively help clubs on matchdays and increase promotion around what they are getting up to. I am planning on being at one of our home venues every Wednesday to answer any questions, cheer on the teams, and get photos/footage of our clubs to further promote them online. If you haven’t bumped into me yet, make sure to come and say hi!
The new Sports Executive Committee has now been formed and representatives are now in post across many of our categories of sports we have in our community. I am working through the last few applications for positions that were still vacant and will be planning our first meeting, which will hopefully happen before the end of the month. If anyone would like to find out more information on this, please get in contact! This is your chance to have more of a say on what goes on surrounding sports and what SUSU has to offer.
You Make Change Updates
You Make Change update: Thank you as always for your ideas and queries. We look forward to receiving more submissions in the next two weeks!