
Wellbeing Committee (4th November 2015)


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Name of Committee Wellbeing Committee
Date and time 4th November 2015, 15:00
Place The Board Room
Present Members
Wellbeing Officer Mark Davidge
Vice President Welfare Sam Bailey
Sexual Health Coordinator (Wellbeing Committee) Freya Jeffries
Absent with Apologies Mental Health Corrdinator (Wellbeing Committee) Alice Warwick
Healthy Living Coordinator (Wellbeing Committee) Brooke Newman

Actions and Decisions

Action George Middleton-Baker to circulate Mental Health Survey findings to committee Sam Bailey
Action George to pass on Sexual Health Promotion contacts to Freya. Sam Bailey
Action VP Welfare and Sexual Health Coordinator to explore the possibility of organising Pee for a Pint with The Stags. Sam Bailey, Freya Jeffries
Action VP Welfare to form an planning group for the open meeting on consent education. Sam Bailey
1. Attendance and apologies

Apologies were received from Alice Newman and Brooke Newman.

2. Introduction to roles and the committee

Sam gave an introduction to the committee and explained its history. He described he wanted to ensure the committee was empowered and more effective than they had been in previous years.

3. Updates from committee members

Wellbeing officer Mark Davidge gave an update on his ambitions for the year. He described his intentions to extend previous campaigns and build upon the findings of the #TimeToChange Mental Health Survey. He would like to further promote existing support services such as peer support.


Freya suggested that as part of our campaign we have a way for people to people to share their experiences of mental health.


VP Welfare Sam Bailey outlined his goal of enabling more people to be able to signpost people to appropriate services e.g. Peer Support, Nightline or Counselling. This will be done through reaching out to students through as many networks as possible by working with Hall Committees and student groups.


Sexual Health Coordinator Freya Jeffries said her priority for the year was sexual harassment. She said she wanted students to be safe from harassment in all SUSU outlets and use all platforms available to end sexual harassment on campus. She said she wanted to improve the training offered to student groups and sports teams.

Action George Middleton-Baker to circulate Mental Health Survey findings to committee (Sam Bailey)
4. Discussion

VP Welfare informed the committee about the University’s wellbeing week and the activities that were planned such as the campus Nature Walk.


Ideas were then taken from the room on ideas for wellbeing Wednesdays throughout the year. There was enthusiasm for the “pee for a pint” chlamydia testing campaign where people are tested for chlamydia in exchange for a pint which could be run in conjunction with The Stags. VP Welfare gave an update on the plans of LGBT Society to do chlamydia and HIV testing on Thursday 26th November.


Another idea discussed by the committee was a programme of “Treat Yourself” activities to encourage people to look after themselves for their wellbeing. This could be included into Stress Less Fest events and could be informed by other events such as the upcoming JollyDay being organised by the E & D committee.


VP Welfare informed the committee about ongoing work around the new campaign to introduce consent education to students. VP Welfare plans on having an open meeting this term to talk to students about how they want consent education to be done by SUSU. Discussion followed on others Unions’ approaches to consent education such as Bristol SU’s consent quiz that is a mandatory part of their online enrolment procedure for new students. The “enthusiastic yes” approach was also discussed. It was also noted that there should be pizza at the open meeting to encourage student attendance.

Action George to pass on Sexual Health Promotion contacts to Freya. (Sam Bailey)
Action VP Welfare and Sexual Health Coordinator to explore the possibility of organising Pee for a Pint with The Stags. (Sam Bailey, Freya Jeffries)
Action VP Welfare to form an planning group for the open meeting on consent education. (Sam Bailey)
5. Updates

VP Welfare gave an update on the plans to have the SUSU elephant travel across campuses. Discussion followed about how to make the most of the elephant and whether it might be possible to broaden the remit of the elephant from mental health to wellbeing generally. Wellbeing Officer Mark Davidge suggested that the elephant could be used in informational videos on mental health and wellbeing e.g. “Trunky’s Time To Talk”. It was decided that strong messaging would be needed to accompany the elephant to ensure that the elephant did provoke conversation wherever it went and that it provided a great opportunity.


VP Welfare gave background on the work that is being done with the University’s new doctoral college to improve representation and support for PGR students. He went on to discuss how Stress Less Fest to be more inclusive for PGR students with specifically targeted events and campaigns.

6. AOB

Discussion was had on how to fill the empty positions on the committee - Substances coordinator and finance coordinator. It was agreed that efforts should be made to promote the committee to find interested people to fill the positions.

7. Date of next meeting

The date of the next meeting will be organised by email as some committee members are not present. 

Key: P (Papers Provided), PF (Papers to Follow)