
Union Senate (15th June 2020)


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Name of Committee Union Senate
Date and time 15th June 2020, 12:00
Place MS Teams
Chair of Senate Adrian Li
Senator Chukwuamaka Anyanwu
Senator Alexander Beyene
Senator Anna Stausberg
Senator Ali Treanor
Senator Sadie Belsey
Senator Catrina Bowen
Senator Wei Cheong
Senator Ria Dunn
Senator Pascal Ezeabasili
Senator Matas Gelzinis
Senator Corin Holloway
Senator Hugh Warden
Senator Luke Woolley
Senator Katy Davies
In Attendance
(non-voting officers and staff)
1. Welcome and apologies
2. Microsoft Teams etiquette
P 3. Minutes of the previous meeting and matters arising
P 4. Sabbatical Officer Reports
P 5. Student Officer Reports
Consultation and Approval
P 6. Ethical Guidance on Student Groups and Activity
P 7. SUSU Code of Conduct
P 8. [Received late] Sabbatical Officer Restructure
P 9. Ethical Trading - Consultation Only
P 10. Extension to Chair of Senate term
11. Chair's Action
Discussion Topics
12. Covid-19 Situation
13. Any Other Business

Key: P (Papers Provided), PF (Papers to Follow)