
Sustainability Zone (5th June 2014)


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Name of Committee Sustainability Zone
Date and time 5th June 2014, 11:00
Place Meeting Room 1
Union President David Mendoza-Wolfson
Student Groups Rep Natalie Rowell
Equality and Diversity Officer Sam Bailey
Vice President Welfare Isabella Camilleri
Environmental and Ethical Officer Lydia Butler
In Attendance
(non-voting officers and staff)
1. Apologies & attendance
P 2. Approval of minutes from previous meeting

Please note, the May committee meeting was not quorate, and therefore the minutes from the previous meeting in March are to be carried forward to this committee meeting, for approval.

PF 3. E&E officer report & project update
Charlotte Hollands
PF 4. E&D officer report & project update
Thomas Gleeson
5. Discussion

 a. Freshers’ Festival

b. BEES Officer

c. Recycle on your Doorstep

d. Sustainability awareness information requirements

PF 6. BEES update
Teresa Kennard
7. AOB

 Sustainability Actions Award update

8. Date of next meeting is tbc

Key: P (Papers Provided), PF (Papers to Follow)