
Student Groups Committee (15th October 2014)


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Name of Committee Student Groups Committee
Date and time 15th October 2014, 14:00
Place Meeting Room 2
Clubs and Societies Officer Chris McGeehan
Performing Arts Officer Anna Kent - Muller
Team Southampton Sports Officer David Lawrence
Vice President Democracy and Creative Industries Megan Downing
In Attendance
(non-voting officers and staff)
1. Apologies and Attendance
2. Approval of Minutes from last meeting (Friday 9th May)

Minutes for the last meeting, held on Friday 9th May, can be found here:

3. Bunfight feedback
P 4. Funding
  • Review some select funding applications from funding Round 1 
  • Funding problems from Round 1
  • Creating a timeline for policy on funding
5. Groups at Winchester
  • How we can encourage existing groups (and Zones) to engage WSA students
  • Discuss if we can duplicate groups if they are based at WSA within existing policy
  • Other methods to allow WSA students to take part in groups
6. Zones
  • Establishing the criteria for a group being in a Zone, so new affiliates are placed in the right Zone
  • And because of that looking at any forthcoming Zone change requests and affiliation requests   
P 7. Disciplinary procedure - penalty guidance

To ask the Committee for feedback on the consultation.

8. Plans for this year

Chris would like to speak to the Reps about what their plans for the year are. He will discuss with the Committee his own plans, as well as what the objectives of the Committee for this year should be.

Any other business
9. Date of the next meeting

The date of the next meeting is Wednesday 29th October, in Meeting Room 1. This will be an affiliation meeting.

Key: P (Papers Provided), PF (Papers to Follow)