Offer a meal deal in the SUSU shop!

Anonymous submitted on

Sunday 2nd September 2018


Hey sabbs,

My friends and I have recently been discussing the delightful capitalist phenomenon of meal deals, and have come to the conclusion they are one of God's few gifts to this earth. In such uncertain political times, we believe a meal deal in the SUSU shop (a decent one) would rally our student population, boost engagement, and help to solve (student) poverty. Would it be at all possible to create a meal deal before the new semester starts?

Sincerely yours,

A faithful subject  


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Wednesday 19th Dec 2018 4:36pm

Hi Anon,

Thank you for your suggestion.

I've spoken to our shop manager who says that at the moment this unfortunately isn't financially viable for us. Big supermarkets all make losses on their meal deals but the reason they continue to sell them is because they are used to drive footfall for other products. We are not naive to the fact that some students consider the SUSU shop to be overpriced, but we actually have many items that are very low cost. For example, you can purchase a sandwitch for £1.50, drink for 49p and a packet of crisps for 39p which comes to a total of £2.68. Although this isn't our top range of products, it reflects the fact that the shop has a variety of options to suit all budgets. I believe that SUSU has work to do to raise the profile of these lower cost options, which is something I will talk to other members of staff to go about doing in the new year.

Recognising how widely supported this YMC has been through the amount of up-votes it has received, I will continue to have discussions with our commercial managers as often as possible and if it becomes an option for us to introduce a sustainable meal deal offer in the future I will do my best to see that this option is implemented in the interest of student experience.

Best wishes,

Steve Gore, VP Sports

Students' Union replied on

Monday 12th Nov 2018 1:52pm

Hi anon,


I totally agree! Students have asked for this for as long as I have been in Southampton (which is a long time), and I want to do my best to make this a reality. I will be having talks with our commercial managers soon to discuss the feeasibility of introducing this offer, but in the meantime I will keep this submission live for up/down voting and I will share it on social media to gauge student demand. If you could do the same that would be really helpful!


Best wishes,

Steve Gore, VP Sports.


  • Forwarded to Sports Development

    Friday 7th Sep 2018 1:27pm


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