
Top tips for new students!

Pre-uni nerves have kicked in, and you have made your trip to IKEA/Wilko/other student appropriate shops where you can get what you need to take with you. You’re feeling as prepared as you can be. But, what will actually happen once you’re there, what should you expect?

We want to help put your mind at ease, so we asked students past and present what advice they would give to someone starting uni!

Don't worry about finding your best friends straightaway

Many students meet friends for life at uni, but don’t worry if you don’t feel you’ve found your best mates straightaway. You might become really close with your first year flat mates or course mates, but it’s okay if that doesn’t happen for you.

There will be endless opportunities to meet new people, like through a society or sports club, volunteering, at a part-time job, or even later on in your final year! 

One student suggested: “Chat to lots of people, no one else knows anyone either”. And another student shared this important reminder: “You can be friends with your flat and not do everything with them! You’ve only just met!”

You can join a club or society at any point during the year!

Freshers week is a great opportunity to sign up for lots of societies and sports clubs, and discover your new favourite hobby! Make sure to come along to Bunfight on Thursday 28 September to meet ALL our societies in one place.

But, if you don’t hear about a society until after Freshers this doesn’t mean you’ve missed out: you can still sign up to be a member for the rest of the academic year.

Remember that campus doesn't take cash

A great top tip to remember! Campus is cashless, so make sure to bring your phone or card to be able to buy food, drinks, and anything else you may need.

Get out of your comfort zone

When you start uni you may feel nervous to speak to people or try something new, but so does everyone else! Be yourself, sign up for lots of opportunities and give yourself the best chance possible to meet lots of new people.

You can work at your students' union!

If you’re looking for part-time work alongside your studies, SUSU is a great place to start your job search. 

We offer work in bars and retail, reception, marketing, photography, and more. Check out Support Roles on our Work With Us page throughout the year to see which roles we’re hiring.

It's okay to feel homesick

Moving to uni is a big life change, and it’s absolutely okay to be missing home. So many new students will be feeling exactly the same as you.

If you’re able to, plan a video call with family or friends after a couple of weeks, or maybe even a visit home during term 1.

As you become more settled, you may even feel your student city is more like home than where you grew up: “the concept of “home” may become confusing, but you’ll figure out what it means for you over time”.

Once lectures start, make revision notes as you go

A great suggestion! Don’t leave it until exam season to try remember everything from your lectures. Make notes as you go and this will help you later on with those revision sessions.

Take a couple of nights off during Freshers

There will be plenty of opportunities to go on nights out during Freshers, and it’s okay if you need a break along the way. Recharge your batteries with a movie night or board games at your flat: it’s a great chance to get to know your flatmates!

We’re running relaxed evening events during Freshers too, including the Mocktails and Board Games night, PGR Quiz, and more. So if a big night out isn’t for you, there are other options to choose from.

Whatever your first few weeks at uni look like, we’re here to help you along the way. If you need some extra support or advice, visit our Help and Support page or get in touch.