
April 2024 Highlights


Varsity 2024

1305 tickets sold
82 fixtures over 4 days
Score 170 – 150
Southampton win of course!


Green Week

A fantastic week of events in partnership with the University to raise awareness of the vast array of issues affecting us and how we can be more sustainable.

We had everything from talks to GIAG sessions, wildlife competitions to food giveaways. A bustling programme of nearly
30 events!

The Plant Pot

We shouted about this in Green Week but we are really proud of our recent partnership with Klimato as The Plant Pot has scored as one of their highest performers ever.

Monthly PGR Email

Based on feedback we understand that our PGR students have different areas of
interest and we are working to ensure that we support this. It’s new so any feedback is really


Summer Elections

April saw us open our Summer Elections for nominations, voting is in May so keep an eye out for that.

All Student Vote

We also went live with two All Student Votes. This is a great way for our students to have a voice and work with the student body to gain engagement with a particular issue or concerns. These were about divestment in fossil fuel and introducing a semester break.

Rep of the Month

James Baines – Civil Environmental & Maritime, Department President, Faculty of Engineering & Physical Sciences

Society of the Month

Bake Soc

The Great Duck Hunt

The end of April saw the introduction of The Great Duck Hunt – a fun competition supported by our Social Enterprise team with some great prizes for the lucky winners