Italian Society

The Italian society organises a wide variety of social and cultural events in order to bring together anyone interested in submerging themselves into Italian culture and lifestyle. Our socials included pub quizzes, house parties and cooking nights to name a few! This year we aim to organise events in line with the COVID-19 regulations, so make sure to subscribe to our mailing list to be updated about all the upcoming activities! What are you waiting for? Join us!

Photo Gallery

The Committee

All clubs and societies within the Students' Union are run entirely by students. The student committee for Italian Society this year are:

Evans Kuti
Events Secrerary
Evans Kuti
Events Secrerary
Giacomo Surci
Orestis Papadopoulos
Chiara Waelchli
Social Secretary
Sade Sheikh
Sade Sheikh
Edoardo Salvati
Vice President

Membership Information

There is currently no information about membership fees available


All SUSU clubs & societies must have a Constitution which governs how they run

Download Constitution

Health & Safety

All clubs & societies are required to risk assess their activity to ensure it is carried out in a safe manner for members. Current risk assessments for Italian Society are available to view below

Upcoming Events

Check out our upcoming events below:

Sorry, there are no upcoming events for Italian Society.

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