
Union Senate (17th April 2018)


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Name of Committee Union Senate
Date and time 17th April 2018, 18:15
Place Students' Union (SUSU)
Vice President Student Communities Arun Aggarwal
Vice President Sports Stephen Gore
Union President Flora Noble
Vice President Education Samuel Dedman
Vice President Democracy and Creative Industries Evie Reilly
Vice President Welfare Samantha Higman
Sports Development Zone Representative Olivia Owen
Senator Qasim Hussain
Senator Danny Kunda
Senator George Hart
Senator Luke Taylor
Senator Giles Howard
Senator Kimberly Goodell
Chair of Senate Cecile Howard
In Attendance
(non-voting officers and staff)
1. Welcome and apologies
2. Minutes from the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting can be found here:

3. Update on Actions

1. Arun to include International Masters Students in talks over housing difficuties that students face if they don't study during the traditional September to August timeframe. 

2. Sam H. to look into the statistics around paper straw usage and availability. 

3. Evie to investigate the allocation of clubs and societies to different zones and whether this should be included in one of the planned reviews of the Union processes.

4. Senators should be invited to the You Make Change meeting just before the next Union Senate Meeting. 

5. The first 4 sections of Rule 10: Praise and Support for members and officers should be brought to Union Senate.

6. Steve to hold a meeting to discuss how the Union shoudl address hesitancy from sports teams during the Sexual Consent Awareness campaign. 

7. Flora to contact Surry Union's Chief Executive to ask how students were affected by the restruture they had. 


Senate Reports and Papers
P 4. Reports from the Sabbatical Officers
5. Questions from Senators
P 6. Spring Election Report
7. You Make Change
8. Industrial Action
9. The Making Change Summit
10. AOB

Key: P (Papers Provided), PF (Papers to Follow)