
Student Groups Committee (19th May 2016)


Name of Committee Student Groups Committee
Date and time 19th May 2016, 09:00
Place The Board Room
Clubs and Societies Officer Catriona Philip
Team Southampton Sports Officer Katie Lightowler
Student Enterprise Officer Jamie Furlong
Vice President Democracy and Creative Industries Kerry Sclater
Creative Industries Zone Student Group Rep Samantha Standley
Performing Arts Student Groups Rep Rebecca Griffin
Student Communities Zone Student Group Representative Rebecca Lake
Education Zone Student Group Representative Michael Sims
Charities and Community Officer Charlotte Hodgson
In Attendance
(non-voting officers and staff)
Sustainability Zone Student Group Representative Sam Guthrie
Invited Elliot Grater
1. Welcome and attendance
2. Education Zone funding
P 3. Financial transparency for Student Groups
P 4. Money management update
P 5. Finance/Money Management Rule amendments
P 6. Changes to funding: flyers
P 7. Conflicts of interest
8. Non-student membership changes
9. Constitution changes




Environmental Science Student Society


Stage Technicians' Society

Fandomonium Society

10. Zone changes

a. Capoeira would like to move Zone from Sports Development to Creative Industries:

"Capoeira is a mix between a martial art, dance, acrobatics, music, culture and history. In terms of engaging with people, we are more like a dance society in that we give performances as opposed to marital arts who give demonstrations. Due to the cultural and historical aspects of the society and of Capoeira, we think it would be better to be within the Creative Industries rather than in the Sports Zone."

 b. Fandomonium Society would like to move Zone from Student Communities to Creative Industries:

"We feel that we fit in better among Creative Industries than in Communities, especially as similar societies such as the Pokemon Society are in that zone. We feel we'd be able to better engage with students as a whole, especially at the bunfight where we would arguably be more easily found by those looking for us. And finally, when we asked the society as a whole at the AGM and subsequently voted on it, the society voted in favour of transfering to CI."

11. Affiliations

Investment Societies - 09:45

Sikh Society - 09:50

Widening Access to Medicine Southampton - 09:55

Sober? - 10:00

Mind Society - 10:05

Geo-Guess - 10:10

ONE Southampton - 10:15

Football Beyond Borders - 10:20

Kazoo Society - 10:25

Zorb Football - 10:30

University of Southampton Soapbox Racers - 10:40

Trivolle Club - 10:45

Healthcare Ambassadors Society - 10:50

University of Southampton Big Band - 10:55

University of Southampton Dog Sledding Society - 11:00

Dabke Society - 11:05

East African Society - 11:10

Socialist Students Society - 11:15

Your Money, Your Ethics - 11:20

12. Any other business

Key: P (Papers Provided), PF (Papers to Follow)