
By Elections 2023

Voting in our By Elections is now closed. The full list of winners will be available to view soon. 

We recently ran our Autumn Elections for this year. You can view the full list of candidates and winners here.

School President

School Presidents are the lead academic rep for your School. You'll help and support the Department Presidents and Faculty Officers, and encourage collaboration between Schools and Departments.

Department President

Department Presidents are the lead academic rep for your Department. You'll manage representation within your Department and organise and lead the Course Reps within your Department.

Faculty Officer

Faculty Officers are the senior academic reps in their faculty, reporting in to the Union's VP Education and Democracy.

Postgraduate Research (PGR) Officer

Our PGR Officers work together to represent Postgraduate Research students to SUSU and the University.


If running in our Elections isn’t for you, but you know someone who would be a fantastic Academic Rep, you can put their name forward!

All you need to do is tell us their name, university email address and which role they would be perfect for, and we’ll get in touch!


Nominations are open in our By Elections from Monday 30 September at 09:00 until Wednesday 06 November at 16:00.

If you’re having any problems nominating yourself for a role please contact representation@susu.org.

Yes! All the roles you can run for in this By Election are part-time, volunteer roles. This means you can be a Rep alongside your studies!

Keep in mind there will be key meetings you must attend.