B42 Christmas Opening dates/times

Eliza Law submitted on

Friday 7th December 2018



When will the Union building and its sport facilities be available and not over the Christmas break?




Let's keep this space positive and respectful! Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions, but please remember to keep the conversation friendly and avoid any offensive comments.

Emily Harrison submitted on

Monday 17th December 2018


Hi Eliza,

Thank you for your You Make Change Submission.

The Christmas opening hours for all SUSU outlets can be found on our website here: https://blogs.susu.org/blog/2018/12/13/christmas-opening-hours-3/

The Christmas opening hours for all Sport and Wellbeing facilities at the University can be found here: https://cdn.southampton.ac.uk/assets/imported/transforms/content-block/UsefulDownloads_Download/2FE6709EAEFC4A4B92C3F253A40EBB4E/Christmas%20Opening%20Hours2018.pdf#_ga=2.173388771.1576052854.1545060614-1021956496.1542964046

Hope this helps.

Many thanks,

Emily Harrison,

VP Student Communities, 2018-19.