Put gluten free options in the shop!

Anonymous submitted on

Wednesday 9th January 2019


The Union are making good steps towards making the bridge and the shop vegan friendly, and the bridge’s new menu opens up so many new options to those who can’t eat gluten. However, the lack of gluten free options in the shop is ridiculous. You can’t but a sandwich/pastry etc which doesn’t contain any gluten in. Even just a couple of sandwiches would be a step in the right direction. 


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Monday 11th Feb 2019 3:18pm

Hi there, 

Thank you for your submission. We aim to tailor our outlets to be inclusive of as many students as possible. We have increased the offer of Gluten free options in The Shop, however I will pass on your concern again to The Shop manager.

Best wishes, 

Isabella Camilleri

Vice-President Welfare 

University of Southampton Students' Union


  • Forwarded to Student Life

    Friday 11th Jan 2019 1:07pm


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