Language Exchange Board!

Hana Sheldon submitted on

Tuesday 22nd January 2019



It would be wonderful to have a board in the Student Union or Library where people can put up contact information alongside which language they are fluent in, and which language they would like to learn, so people could help the other learn a language which they would like to learn from someone who is fluent/ native.

This would not only help the individual learn the language from someone who is a native, but it would also be free and would allow people to have a greater insight into the other person's culture, and perhaps establish friendships as well! 


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Tuesday 26th Feb 2019 11:37am

HI Hana,

Thank you for your submission.

I'm not sure if you are already aware, but there is actually already one of these boards at Avenue just outside the library! It's frequently used and updated so I would definitely reccomend popping along to see that when you're down there!

In terms of getting one in the STudents' Union on Highfield, unfortunately we are very limited on space where we could put up extra boards. However, we do already have a number of notice boards for students to use for whatever they would like. One of these is in the concourse (Reception area), another is down by the Cafe on level 3 and another outside the multi-purpose studio on level 1. You would be more than welcome to take up a corner of one of these boards to advertise for language exchange.

I hope this helps! Any further questions please feel free to email me on

All the best,

Emily Harrison

Vice President Student Communities, 2018-19.


  • Forwarded to Student Communities

    Friday 25th Jan 2019 1:04pm


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