Discourage people from being loud outside Hartley

Anonymous submitted on

Saturday 26th January 2019


People regularly sit for long periods of time and make a racket/play music outside the bike racks round the side of Hartley near life sciences that can be heard all the way on the 5th floor study rooms. Something to discourage people from doing this would be great. 


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 15th Feb 2019 1:56pm

Hello again! 

Since this You Make Change has been acted upon already by the University's Security team and there have been no further comments I'm going to close this submission. Do get in touch if you have any feedback, however! 

Thanks for making the submission, and all the best,

Samuel Dedman

(VP Education 2017-19, vpeducation@susu.org)

Students' Union replied on

Thursday 7th Feb 2019 11:30am

Hello again! 

Good news - I have an update from the University's Security Team. They have confirmed that this issue has gone "on our staff befidings to pay attention to the area and advise students accordingly"

Hopefully any interruptions should begin to ease off soon, but I'll leave this You Make Change open for a bit longer to allow for any comments/votes to come in. 

If you have any questions please let me know. 

All the best,

Samuel Dedman

(SUSU VP Education 2017-19, vpeducation@susu.org)

Students' Union replied on

Friday 1st Feb 2019 1:34pm


Thank you for your submission to You Make Change. I've passed this suggestion on to the Library in the first instance to hear their thoughts and what they are already doing as a starting point, with a view to working out some proactive steps to ensure that Highfield is a good envionment for all. If you (or indeed, anyone else) have any ideas as to how this could be done please let us know in the comments below!

Don't forget that your submission is now live for voting on over at the SUSU website, so please encourage people to come and have their say also. 

If you have any questions please let me know. 

All the best, 

Samuel Dedman

(SUSU VP Education 2017-19, vpeducation@susu.org)


  • Forwarded to Education

    Friday 1st Feb 2019 1:19pm


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