look into how secure Mayflower Halls are

Anonymous submitted on

Friday 1st February 2019


Hi - in my time living at Mayflower I found security to be seriously lacking. The gates are kept open during the day and at night the automatic gates take so long to open and close that people can very easy tailgate in. I once had a situation where a non-resident (they were visiting someone) made it all the way to our flat door without any issues. 


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Thursday 21st Feb 2019 4:59pm


Thank you for your query. I got in contact with the management team at Mayflower, and they said:

"As part of Mayflower Halls agreement to comply fully with BREEAMS (the method of assessing, rating and certifying the sustainability of buildings) it was agreed that we [Maylower Halls] would allow passage for the general public through our site from side of the building to the other during daylight hours which we must comply with. During the evening the gates are locked and students use their fobs to enter and exit the site.  There is a safety measure in place for the gates which do mean they open and close cautiously so as not to cause any injuries to anyone using them. 

We have a number of measures in place for safety and security including 24 hour security, a fob system and CCTV. Our current process for Security should mean that no one can gain access to the flats unless they have the relevant access fob. There are three locked doors that require the access fob to gain entry (not including the bedroom door). This being the main gates (locked from twilight hours to about 6am in the morning) the main entrance to the building, the lifts (If used) and the main flat door. Any student that has any concerns over security can report it to us as at any time as we have 24 hour security on hand at reception.  There is a telephone number for Mayflower reception on the back of every bedroom door in the building that will be answered at any time of the day. 

There are a number of measures in place for our students safety and security at Mayflower. We have recently sent the following information as a general reminder to all our residents of Mayflower Halls about the security of the building and how they can assist us with this:

• Your main flat door should be closed at all times.  The door is designed to self-close and lock behind you – if you do not hear the door close or if you notice that the latch keeps popping out when you open the door please pull the door shut and report the door on Planon for our contractor to come and fix it

• Be aware of who you are allowing into the building with you – if you believe that a non-resident has tail gated you into the building you can come to reception to report their presence or telephone reception on 02380 598838

• Please remember to keep doors within your accommodation locked 

We have a 24 hour security team at Mayflower Halls and CCTV as we are in a city centre location.  We encourage you to report any concerns. If you see anyone or anything that you think is suspicious please report it to reception / security in person or by calling 02380 598838."

I hope that this is a useful response to you, if you would like to discuss anything further, then please don't hesitate to contact me at vpdci@susu.org.

Many thanks, 

Evie Reilly (VP DCI)


  • Forwarded to External Engagement

    Friday 1st Feb 2019 1:36pm


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