Ventilate Rooms

Anonymous submitted on

Monday 4th February 2019


Most lecture halls and seminar rooms are overly heated. Windows are sometimes not an option for some of these rooms. It is uncomfortable for students during winter as the rooms become too stuffy


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Monday 18th Mar 2019 3:43pm

Hello again! 

Thanks once again for making this submission to You Make Change. Estates & Facilties have been keeping an eye on the comments section, and as soon as the funds are available there are a number of spaces which we are hoping to make improvements to. This unfortunately will take some time, so I'm going to close this submission for now with the intention of re-opening it once there is news to update on.

Thanks again for the submission, and don't forget to raise any issues to do with our estates on PlanOn also! 

All the best,

Samuel Dedman (SUSU VP Education 2017-19,

Students' Union replied on

Friday 1st Mar 2019 1:43pm


Thank you to everyone who submitted suggestions regarding the rooms which should be looked at first for being too stuffy or warm. Estates & Facilities have been keeping an eye on the submissions, but I'd also like to remind everyone to make sure they also submit any issues directly to them over on Planon ( as that'll help them prioritise which spaces need to be worked on first. 

I'll leave this submission open for a bit longer, so keep the suggestions coming in!

Best wishes,

Samuel Dedman

VP Education 2017-19,

Students' Union replied on

Friday 8th Feb 2019 2:14pm


Thanks for getting in touch. You'll be pleased to hear that the University (with Union support and insight) are looking to do some hearting work on a few learning spaces in the not-too-distant future. We'll share the news as to which spaces it will be as soon as we have confirmation, but are there any spaces in particular that you think are problematic? Let us know in the comments below over on the SUSU You Make Change website! 

Your submission is also now live on the SUSU website, and as such is eligible for voting upon. Make sure you share it around as the more student feedback it gets, the better! 

If I can do anything to help out please let me know. 

All the best,

Samuel Dedman

(VP Education 2017-19,


  • Forwarded to Education

    Friday 8th Feb 2019 1:01pm


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Isaac Treuherz commented on

Saturday 9th Feb 2019 3:11pm


Sean Ng commented on

Friday 8th Feb 2019 6:09pm

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