Partner with Terracycle to offer Crisp Packet recycling (and recycling points for other mostly non recyclable goods)

Benedict Hollamby submitted on

Wednesday 6th February 2019


Although the University does recycle a large amount of waste in the recycling bins across the university, its unclear whether things that are usually non recyclable such as crisp packets can be recycled in them. Terracycle offers a scheme to set up collection points which offer points which can be redeemed as a donation to an organisation. It would be nice to see such a collection point in the SUSU building or in the shop, so that students and the university can reduce their environmental impact.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Thursday 25th Apr 2019 1:14pm

Hi Benedict, 

Thank you for your submission. We have looked into getting a Terracycle bin for non-recyclable items however they are very expensive. Therefore, alternatively we are looking to do a trial outside The Shop to see the usage and also to see if it works and is not contaminated (this has been a problem with current bins).  If this is successful, we will look into continuing our own collection and expanding this or linking up with Terracycle. Hope this is informative. Look out for the bin by The Shop and keep up with updates on

Best wishes, 

Isabella Camilleri

VP Welfare

University of Southampton Students' Union

Students' Union replied on

Thursday 21st Feb 2019 2:59pm

Hi Benedict, 


Thank you for your submission. I really like this idea and it's great you have some upvotes. Please keep sharing your idea with students to gain more traction. In the meantime, I will look into the feasibility of this idea being implemented on campus. 


Best wishes, 


Isabella Camilleri

VP Welfare

University of Southampton Students' Union


  • Forwarded to Sustainability

    Friday 8th Feb 2019 1:02pm


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