Make Ecosia the Default Browser on all computers

Tia Burden submitted on

Saturday 9th February 2019


A google search uses energy equivalent to boiling a kettle twice! Whereas Ecosia’s servers run completely by solar energy from their solar plant meaning Ecosia is carbon neutral. Not only this, but profits from searches are used to plant trees, which is removing carbon from the atmosphere while doing something you would do anyway. Ecosia empowers communities they work with by providing jobs, control over the projects and empowerment to women. Trees help improve water security, in Uganda, a well that provided for one family can now provide for a whole village since trees were planted there through Ecosias project.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Wednesday 5th Jun 2019 3:55pm

Hi Tia, 

Thank you for your submission. I contacted the relevant staff who have explained that we can't set search engines for our computers centrally beyond Internet Explorer or Edge. What we would recommend is contacting ISolutions and asking them if they are able to do so. I would recommend contacting Bhu at

Best wishes, 

Isabella Camilleri

VP Welfare 


Students' Union replied on

Thursday 21st Feb 2019 2:53pm

Hi Tia, 


Thank you for your submission! Please share with students to try and gain more upvotes to whether they feel this is a good idea. (I do!) and will look into the feasibility of this. 


Best wishes, 


Isabella Camilleri

VP Welfare

University of Southampton Students' Union


  • Forwarded to Sustainability

    Friday 15th Feb 2019 1:35pm


Let's keep this space positive and respectful! Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions, but please remember to keep the conversation friendly and avoid any offensive comments.

Daniel Samways commented on

Monday 18th Feb 2019 8:07pm

If this is to be considered, I would like to see some investigation into the search engine. For example, I would hate for it to come to light in the future that thousands of southampton students and academics have been having their web research influenced by a nefarious entity, such as a foreign government (of course google is also questionable, but that is another issue). 

Cori Haws commented on

Sunday 17th Feb 2019 11:01pm

You mean search engine. 

Your assertion that a google search requires the same energy as boiling 2 kettles is nothing but urban myth with no factual basis, google has essentially running on 100% renewable energy since the end of 2017.

Ecosia uses Bing search engine results, so the only difference here is where ad revenue is going.


Mauro Camara Escudero commented on

Saturday 16th Feb 2019 1:54pm

This is probably the best suggestion I’ve read in here

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